2 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tell me you suck at css without telling me you suck at css

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We thank people who disregarded nuclear energy. We could've sliced global emissions by a lot if were not for you, but burning coal is far safer.

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Don't even know why and how there are arguments in favor of Meta. They're bad, everyone knows it. People still use them because they're basically forced to keep up with acquaintances and family.

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Macron is turning France into a dictatorship.

Knowing Meta could be anything

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That's how it works with Microsoft. Even search in Windows disregards completely your default browsers settings into opening them straight in Edge.

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31.2% load it's damn fine considering how much attention has been getting lately. Server is up for 3 weeks already so I guess that's when you upgraded it?

Who cares about Reddit. We have Lemmy now.

Don't think so, specially since they will be now working hard to kill it. How you ask me?

  • For sure they will try to attack major instances with DDOS attacks, spam bots, etc. I mean, they do to each other all the time, Meta releases threads and now Twitter is flooded with porn spam accounts for example.
  • There will be for sure some news in major media saying that Lemmy is a hotspot for pedophiles to gather, which will taint its image permanently. This being said, these kind of people will for sure try to use Lemmy for those purposes so specially admins need to be ready for it.
  • They may try to "integrate" Lemmy instances into their services like Threads is already doing into Mastodon. By doing that they will try to kill its usage since people will be able to interact with it from their apps while giving them all their personal info and watching a shitload of ads.

Honestly my wild guess is that he’s trying to make Twitter profitable from subscription based services and not so much from ad revenue.

Can’t really have free speech if platform depends on advertisers and investors.

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And Microsoft thinks that if they don't find the file we want them to search on a search engine we don't use on a browser we don't use.

Constant censorship from the part of shit mods.

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Because the tech behind it isn't cheap and money does not fall from trees.

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More likely they green light those...

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Was here thinking, couldn't I host my own instance for my own usage?

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They're pretty much using Instagram user base to push their own Twitter replacement.

Zuckerberg is a cancer in big tech, he doesn't create anything, he only destroys and steal your data.

Americans should stop giving Russian trolls this amount of power. This is clearly being an attack from Russia to destabilize the country, hence Russian bots trying to get Trump elected.

It was discovered as well the Wagner PMC ran a buttload of bot farms that were all over the internet spreading propaganda.

Makes me wonder if they're not using Instagram user base to inflate the numbers to make the social network look more enticing to new users as well with a success for investors.

I got banned from a community on Reddit for saying I would be purchasing Hogwarts Legacy. So standards are quite low...

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I've seen people getting censured on Meta products for way less than a "nipple" lol

My concern is, as instances grow they will become a lot more expensive to mantain. So how will we fix this? Monetize with donations, advertising, block registrations?

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You’re now his pet though

Must be the same type of people who always wonders why they're still single.

They're always ruining the UX to push their own system.

I know this may not be popular but I may only host to myself. I have a VPS for my personal website and other projects that has some free processing power available (its a Hetzner ARM VPS, the cheapest), so I also need to figure out if Lemmy runs on ARM SoCs. I figure it must run since some people may try to run it on RPIs.

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Expected it. It’s a cheap Twitter clone with the downsides of using Meta social networks. When was new, people wanted to try it, specially since there’s a lot of hate towards Twitter lately.

You can technically power TVs with nuclear energy. But yeah airplanes and cruise ships are harder.

That’s just numbers they throw out to please investors. These companies live from that, most likely a huge chunk of those were bots and forced sign ups from Instagram.

I deleted my Reddit account when they accused me of "Promoting violence" for some dark humor.

Some bullshit censorship going on there.

So the US doesn’t have anyone better than this guy?

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I'm astonished to see people publishing about it on Twitter and even here.

The entire point of the remaining social networks is that they don't belong to Meta, that's it.

I'll keep using Twitter and Lemmy and when I feel able to, delete all my Meta related accounts.

This community have way better memes than lol

So in fairness nothing to be too excited about right?

It’s almost like they’re going backwards…

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And you got 8 downvotes only for saying you're right leaning...

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See this one on the "classic" UI.

There's already kinda a karma system, but its basically a upvote / downvote count and afaik the karma system on Reddit had some quirks.

Well, it's a goodish sentiment. Where I live the tendency is to be pretty much against all kind of companies and the results show. Country's economy is a disaster (Portugal). You shouldn't become all against companies but you shouldn't be blindly for all companies either. There's a balance for everything in life and people should learn more about balances.

Heck, I even read some takes around that damned submarine being along the lines of “we shouldn’t regulate the sub industry – that CEO was just trying to innovate!”

Afaik you can't even regulate it since it's international waters and the submersible was technically "cargo"

EDIT: TLDR you should have some common sense regarding companies.

Yup, every permission allowed by iOS filled.

Some design decisions are weird, I agree. But keep in mind most of this usage is people coming from Reddit, heavy migration and Lemmy will now have more development, meaning quality will increase drastically.

As far as I know, once instance and either see all its own communities and all other instance's. So should be fine and you wouldn't be causing load on instances used by people who dont have enough knowledge to host.