What is an achievement in life that you're proud of?

wantedthefirstaccount@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 89 points –

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Bachelor's Degree. Not happy with the debt that came with it, and the lack of employment in the field since Covid and AI

Welcome to the truth about university. It gives you more debt than you can handle, and a job that doesn't pay enough.

On the contrary, the pay would be more than enough for me (single and alone) but actually getting the job is the hard part.

I feel that.

Spent 5 years in college, had to drop out because I ran out of money, now I work a dead-end job in retail for shit pay and like 70k in debt.

Don't do college, kids. It ain't worth it. Or, rather, do college but do community (or a trade school).