Illegal voting by noncitizens is rare, yet Republicans are making it a major issue this election to Mildly – 162 points –
Illegal voting by noncitizens is rare, yet Republicans are making it a major issue this election

You have a better chance of snapping a photo of Bigfoot than you have of a voter fraud incident in your jurisdiction, but it infuriates me that the myth of widespread voter fraud persists.


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They’re beating this drum now so they can claim the election was stolen by “illegals” voting in swing districts. They just need to (at a minimum) challenge a couple thousand votes in 2-3 states.

Don't forget the voter suppression before the election. They'll have long list of blue voters that must be purged because maybe one of them is illegally voting.

They can purge you in certain states if you skipped an election. Show up to vote and surprise! You're not registered.

You're right. They're trying to gin up the specter of voter fraud in case they lose. No one voting Republican needs proof anyway.