Instead of Ignoring Trans Rights at DNC, Dems Should’ve Vowed to Protect Them to politics – 8 points –

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Have you spent any time in right wing spaces

Yes, let's just do everything we can to abandon every last minority centrists consider expendable in order to peel off a total of zero votes from fascists.

They're not going to vote for you, no matter how many vulnerable minorities you throw under the bus. You've had fucking decades to figure this out, and it looks like you're just throwing people under the bus because you like the thumping sounds.

All powerful me who you can attack rather than try to convince. A microcosm for your general approach of yelling. Your goals and demands, kept vague at best.

I doubt you even know what you're asking for.

There's a timeline to installing trans rights, it requires adjustments to the Supreme Court.

But I'm aware that you're not thinking that far ahead in a planned or tactical manner, and your plans are: be loud, make demands, be radical.

But you've not actually outlined much more than that, so there's nothing to debate with you.

Good day, good luck with your imaginary bus, and me as the all powerful deity controlling who gets pushed under.

No idea what you're on about unfortunately, but you seem very vocal about whatever it is.

[Edit: No, I get it, you want to create a polemic against Trump's obvious lies, treating them as if they're worth addressing rather than let him melt under the scrutiny of the general population But that's not necessary. Let's not make his lies into a false balance situation. Just let him look foolish instead.]

There’s a timeline to installing trans rights,

Still settin' timeframes.

But I’m aware that you’re not thinking that far ahead in a planned or tactical manner, and your plans are: be loud, make demands, be radical.

I'm aware that you're stalling until the party can abandon trans people like it abandoned undocumented immigrants.

I'm not setting timeframes, you literally can't change Supreme Court judges during an election. You don't even understand the basics of how rights or the systems involved work.