Why does it seem the world is all of a sudden concerned about sexual orientation? Especially America. Did I miss how far we came as a society to see it take a 40 year step backwards?

Don_Dickle@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 369 points –

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in many capitalist states

...as opposed to non-capitalist states? Was the Soviet Union capitalist or fascist? What about Turkmenistan? Case in point. Neither do they stray far from Karl Marx here.

A "deal with the devil" is a figure of speech that refers to the act of making an unwise wager because you consider what the other person offers to be worth it. If someone said "yes, I will give livelihood to all your other friends, if only you give me the servitude of that one friend", you'd fall under this for accepting the deal. It comes from the fairy tale of Faust, who dedicated his soul for his successes in this way.

Keep in mind we're talking a political faction that has absolutely no issue seeing as equals a completely unaltered way of life under the guise of what we call Islam. In Islamic thought, the LGBT, who I'm otherwise grateful the Democrats have been championing the voice of, deserve scorn, even though it's not an infinitely hard rule. When what I describe is in power, it's not going to allow itself to be challenged.

It ranks up there with having a pet mouse and having a pet cat and expecting them to get along.

Wut. You’re a human Markov chain. A firehose of nonsense and drama stirring.

Did you really just dox someone twenty-fold and dismiss them as an intentional "firehose" of drama/nonsense without any proof/testimony/investigation whatsoever before banning them to get out of a debate? You guys are low.

That person doxes themself all over the internet. They went out of their way to link all their own accounts together.

Show me a single place where they list every one of those profiles.

Whether they put them all on a single page or on a dozen is neither here not there. They’re all intentionally, publicly interlinked. I just started with their links on https://lemm.ee/u/shinigamiookamiryuu profile, and followed the links on those profiles, etc., as anyone can.