My wife has an iPhone. I have a Samsung S23. Why do videos she texts me look like super low res shit?? Can iPhones not text videos? to – 136 points –

Edit: NOTE, I am the receiver of the texts.

So many people asking me to have my wife do something different on her end.

Beloved, she is on iPhone because she doesn't want to do anything "weird." She is texting from her phone number using her texting app. That's what's going to happen.

Now, why can't I get iMessage on my android phone? If it's just a messenger app why not make it available for Android?

I'd use it.


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Keep a stock message on your phone to cut and paste whenever an iPhone user sends you a potato-quality video. This is mine:

Please don't send video to me via iMessage from your iPhone. In fact, you really shouldn't send video via iMessage at all. Video sent by Apple looks terrible on non-iOS phones. This is not a shortcoming of other phones, this is entirely Apple's fault and is their explicit intention. If you want to send a video from your iPhone, you can open the Photos app, tap the share button, and select "share as an iCloud link". That will enable All users to view your glorious video of your cat/kids/dinner/vacation/rant/whatever in the high resolution that your overpriced phone is capable of. Another option is to send the video using a messaging app such as Signal or WhatsApp. Alternate messaging apps are what most of the world use in lieu of sms/mms text messaging.

This is a form letter response and you will get it every time you send me video from your iPhone via iMessage.

P.S. I love you

What a great way to let your friends and loved ones know you are insufferable to deal with and will drop a rant on them about your minor inconveniences at every opportunity.

Hey, it worked! They stopped sending him videos in low res. In fact they stopped sending him videos all together.