Those who tried Linux and went back to Windows, what caused you to go back to Windows? to – 265 points –

Additionally, what changes are necessary for you to be able to use Linux full time?


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Well, they don't. Plenty of businesses use Linux systems.

Well they do. Plenty of businesses (ie: virtually all of them) use Windows. Those are the ones I was referring to.

This is just nonsense. Linux servers are all over the place. Google has its own internal distribution of Ubuntu! I feel like you're not arguing in good faith, here.

Edit: For reading at your leisure: A list of organizations that have adopted Linux for regular use

This thread is about Linux on the desktop, servers are not really relevant to this discussion.

That's fair, but it's hard to not bring up servers when someone is making broad statements like "businesses don't use Linux", though. In the scope of that particular discussion I feel servers are pertinent enough.

This is just nonsense.

No. It's not.

Linux servers are all over the place.

Linux servers are run by IT admin. AKA people who know how to use Linux.

I feel like you're not arguing in good faith, here.

I feel like you're making up bullshit arguments based on angry words you read on the Internet.

Yeah, businesses that use Linux generally hire people who know how to use Linux. I don't think you actually know what you're arguing about anymore, but you can do it by yourself. Hope things get better for you in the future.

Just because you aren't able to understand what I'm saying doesn't mean I don't.