Jill Stein, Chase Oliver Could Cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -27 points –
Jill Stein, Chase Oliver could cost Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania: Poll

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Oh gosh, not at all. I'm honored that you let me help you. You're the hero in this scenario!

you don't do sarcasm very well

Surely you wouldn't want to belittle me by being sarcastic in every reply to me.

You are way too good for that. I know it, friend. I can count on you.

lol, you thought i was being sarcastic

Of course not! Why would I? I know you are arguing in good faith and totally respect and support my opinions, as I respect and support yours, even if they differ. Right?

it's neat how you keep proving my point.

See? I told you. I AM helping you! See how awesome that is?! We're totally friends now. I can feel it.

what a narcissistic and self-centered thing to believe

But you said, "it’s neat how you keep proving my point." So I'm helping you, yes? That's a good thing, right?!

if i observe that water makes things wet, the water didn't "help" me by simply being what it is.

But the water is not a person you are having a discussion with. I helped you make your point. And I said I am glad I could help. :)

So did I not help you make the point you were trying to make?

i see you're struggling to comprehend the metaphor, so i'll explain: no conscious act or decision of yours "helped" me. i simply observed you being yourself. you get no credit for that.

i simply observed you being yourself. you get no credit for that.

I don't get credit for being myself?! I mean, who would get credit for me being me, then? You said I proved your point. So I helped you. Which makes us friends. So we're cool now, right?

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