Fraud prevention rule to – 94 points –

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Here is my unsolicited judgemental review of your personal choices that have nothing to do with me:

Do not disturb 👍

Light mode 👎

Proton VPN 👍

Chrome 👎

Firefox 👍

12h clock 👎

Android 👍

3-button navigation 👎

Signal ðŸŦģðŸŦī

Lol, I tried the fancy magic whatever you call it alternative to the 3-button navigation and could just never get the hang of it

Also, it's Cromite not regular Chrome!

I loved the 3-button navigation because there are rarely any errors with navigation. The taps are too different from each other to get confused compared to the gestures. The thing I like about the gesture bar is that it makes 1-handed use possible for me, so I'm stuck with the gestures. But at least 3 times a day, I accidentally signal the back gesture when I only meant to swipe left to right. Soo frustrating. I'm getting good at self-soothing tho 😎

Just curious, what prevents you from using 3-button navigation when one handed?

Holding the phone with one hand while laying down in bed makes it too hard for me to reach the bottom to tap the back button.