Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

Buttflapper@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 34 points –

With the release of "The Final Shape," the main storyline has concluded, and it seems like the developers are now just churning out random content and seasonal passes without a clear direction for the game's future. I'm genuinely curious about what motivates players to stick around. Are there aspects of the game that still offer value or enjoyment, or are players simply holding on in hopes of something more substantial? What keeps them engaged with Destiny 2 despite its apparent lack of a clear path forward?


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What main storyline? I jumped in late and none of it made sense. I couldn’t even figure out what order I had to play. Gameplay was great as long as it wasn’t PVP.

Yeah they made the genius decisions that new players should be dropped into whatever dlc they were Hocking right then and worse than that they removed dlc, never to be played again. They burned some hard bridges with me on that

I'll never support Bungie again. I bought D1 and D2 before it went free to play, only to have the game I bought removed from the face of the Earth.