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Joined 1 months ago

Well whoever is selling meth on the street is probably very happy about having an FBI ballistics vest now.

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It’s funny to me that they even felt a need for this clause. What does the game have to do with feminism or Covid? It’s based on ancient Chinese mythology in ancient China telling a fictional story featuring Chinese mythological beings that are not real. Why would there be any reason to bring feminism or Covid into that in the first place?

It’s so weird and seems really snowflakey to me.

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& a utility

Oh they don’t want that one.

Are you telling me that if a kid named Timmy wants me to call him Tim, I should only be calling him Timmy? Fuck that noise.

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Huh, I suppose if you do support Palestine, you can’t be a DNC delegate?

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Is this game actually good or just hyped up because it's a valve game?

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I was literally talking about housing costs with my wife on our walk back from the grocery store not 30m before stumbling across this post.

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Are men being protected from hate speech or something?

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As a cis male, fwiw, I personally wouldn’t even think about it if the male body was option B or 2 or whatever, but what do you think about a feminine to masculine slider? I think Elden ring did that and it seems pretty clever. After that I think there were other sliders for options such as weight or fitness or whatever.

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What main storyline? I jumped in late and none of it made sense. I couldn’t even figure out what order I had to play. Gameplay was great as long as it wasn’t PVP.

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I figured there was enough already to complain about, but if this is now what we’re complaining about, I start to think the game isn’t as bad as it’s being made out to be.

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I am more inclined to think they are just selling to other platforms because they have to after dropping so much money on Activision, Bethesda, and trying to keep games pass a decent value proposition.

Granted, I think selling multi platform is a good move and I hope they stick with it, but I think the PS5 is trouncing the Xbox enough worldwide that even without a whole lot of first party games, PlayStation has no real obligation to throw Xbox any bones in kind. PC ports seem to be enough.

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Putin would probably turn them right around and drop them in the middle of the Ukrainian frontlines while laughing.

They definitely ensured I became less inclined to even consider giving this game a chance.

Do we have a community/magazine for instances of slamming yet?

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What’s this? You USE the vehicle you’re insuring? Well that means we need to rais your premiums.

What you describe is often referred as a “generational leap”.

Cue the space man gun meme.

It always was store exclusives.

I got the steam deck to play older games and games that aren’t on my console of choice.

None of the games I play have given me any trouble, but I find myself starting each new game with a ritual of performance optimization tweaks. It could be anything from adjusting graphical settings to capping frame rates to changing the default resolution scaling, and sometimes I’ll revisit these during my playthrough. It doesn’t bother me all that much, but playing on a proper console is less hassle.

OR, just bear with me…

Call them the name they’d prefer to be called because it’s easier than making a scene and nobody actually gaf.

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In the article there's a testimony from someone who doesn't normally like shooters being into this game. That actually kind of speaks to me, but I'm convinced that's because the general public still doesn't have access to the game yet. Once people start getting crazy competitive on this, it won't be fun anymore.

Welcome to the wonderful world of phrasal verbs, idioms, and collocations.

Well, they do like their natto over there, so I’m confident they can find a way to stomach this.

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Assuming a store with 9a-9p hours (every day), a 9-5 worker can shop 44 hours in a week, vs 40 they cannot.

You can’t just logic this kind of thing out mathematically because during those 44 hours people have lives to live and obligations to fulfill. Families to manage, food to prepare, appointments to attend, plus they need to sleep. Busy shopping hours are busy for a reason. Nobody wants to be stuck in a busy shopping center. They just do because that’s the time they have to do it.

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Does Microsoft get a cut of all pc games sold? Do all pc games play on Xbox consoles?

I don’t think any of it matters, I’m just stating things as I see it. Microsoft wants profits, the examples I listed before have not been as profitable as probably predicted, so they are trying to make it up by selling older exclusives to eager PS customers. Sony sending exclusives to Xbox probably isn’t seen as profitable to Sony, so maybe they won’t do it.

I just installed Orion thanks to this post and I'm really impressed. I usually stick to safari, but I'm going to sit on this for a week and see how I feel about it.

2 quick questions; Do you know if it's possible to get YouTube videos to run in PiP on iOS/iPadOS? And is there a dark mode for the app's interface?

Haha. You're right. I totally missed that. Try natto some time, though.

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Well, assuming there even IS a punishment…

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Im so glad you have insight on this. You see, I get a lot of international students in my class and I’ve had to deal with this type of thing a lot. Maybe you can help me out.

Let’s say I have a polish student whose name is “Żółć”, which is somewhat difficult to pronounce in English. After a few failed attempts, he just tells me he prefers “George” because it sounds close enough, he likes that it sounds like English, and is easier for everyone to pronounce. His English-speaking friends call him George as well.

Do I…

  1. Go on and call him George since he prefers it, everybody knows him as that, and move on with the lesson?
  2. Call his parents to request that they have his name legally changed to George so I can use it in the classroom, then butcher his actual name in front of his friends until they do?
  3. Assign him a nick name (not a pet name, because that might be a little weird) “Polish kid” or “Student number 8” so I can call him something easy, be technically correct, and disregard his preferred, yet technically incorrect name?

I could really use some help with this since it happens all the time. Please let me know what you think.

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(Just as a side reference, the “iMac” is that all-in-one computer that just looks like a big monitor on your desk that connects to a keyboard and mouse.)

Sometimes the questions take more time than the candidates are actually given. I can’t blame them for trying to talk over each other every god damned minute.

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Police can’t tell who you are when you’re caught on video.

It’ll be exciting to see prices temporarily jump during the few hours the majority of working class folk have to do their shopping.

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That discussion comes up whenever we talk about having kids.

Huh. TIL only socialists argue from a perspective of what benefits society...

Not talking about this game. I'm talking about future western releases.

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Was your citation not just another anecdote with no citation?

Yeah my wife loves natto. I don’t mind the taste at all, but the texture is like a mouthful of snot and I can’t get over it.

Sorry, sometimes I don’t articulate well. I edited my original comment. Maybe it will clarify what I mean to say.