
25 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

I wouldn't say the movie industry is struggling, I would say that people that work for a living are struggling. Actors are still getting paid huge sums of money, so are directors and producers. They are getting their pound of flesh one way or another. They are just not producing anything that people want to watch. For example all this marvel post-infinity War bullshit, no one wants to see that. No one cares about marvel Disney anything right now, it's low quality drivel. But Beetlejuice, Barbie, oppenheimer... These are proof that people do still want to see movies, they just don't want to produce anything meaningful.

The people struggling that I'm talking about, however, are the supporting roles. People doing the filming, set dressing, makeup, special effects. Lots of these lower levels supporting roles get almost nothing compared to their cost of living in California, while some of the main actors can get tens of millions

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you don't see Apple and Samsung going out of business.

Samsung is damn near the point of going bankrupt. Samsung saw a 95% drop in profits for a second consecutive quarter 2023

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Shows that You are in the UK. Just want to clarify I'm talking specifically about the USA but I agree with everything you said. Tech stocks became so inflated! Don't know if people are seeing it in Europe, but here in the USA, there is this really toxic and very cringe behavior from these tech companies to get people back to office, they can force people to return to office across the country, basically you have to relocate and upend your entire life which could cost you $50,000 and they're not paying for that, if you don't do that you get fired. Easy way to start laying off people without having to pay them anything because you can call it insubordination, since they refuse to return to office. Now they supposedly have cause to get rid of people or deny them promotions for more money. IBM for example is doing this right now, Cisco was doing it as well. One of the most major networking software companies in the market. Scumbag behavior

This is extremely interesting and in general kind of touches on a point that I heard that's kind of funny... People are just bored, and all of Good and bad things that we do in this world are a result of that boredom. Gambling, our hobbies, picking up another job. If it cures your boredom there's nothing wrong with it

Are you sure about that? This is a huge amount of information. I put all the facts into Claude and asked it who was correct, you or me. It told me I'm correct based on the facts provided to it. So even a multi million dollar language learning model came to the same conclusion I did.


Getting 5-star resets your 4-star pity, which is different from GI/HSR system

I see other comments being guilty of poor reading comprehension lol.

OP is correct that in GI and HSR the 4* pity works differently than in ZZZ (and WuWa for that matter)

  • in GI and HSR, getting a 5* does not reset 4* pity. It may delay it if 4* hard pity happens to coincide with a 5* pull, but you will then be guaranteed a 4* at pity 11.
  • in WuWa and ZZZ, getting a 5* resets 4* pity. You could go 19 consecutive pulls without a 4*/A-rank as long as there's a 5* in between.

It is objectively correct that

  • the former is better for the players than the latter (more 4*s, duh)
  • using the same concise wording for both is misleading, even when the detailed explanation shows the difference, and especially when it's the same company using the same wording to mean two different things.

Unfortunately it is also objectively correct that the ZZZ/WuWa implementation is closer to a strict interpretation of the terms, and thus absolutely a feature and not a bug. This sucks but there is a 0% chance of it getting "fixed" because it works exactly as intended.

VR is on the verge of collapse in the USA thanks to the US government banning byte dance. We can't even order the new Pico 4 ultra, which is one of the most anticipated VR sets in the world right now. Meta basically has a monopoly and just announced they're cutting funding to VR

Report that shit to the EU or your government. At least in Europe they care....

That unfortunately is the consequence of letting a company have a monopoly. The US govt should've opposed that, and should've forced them to sell it. They own such a huge share of the entire VR market right now it's unbelievable, and Pico by byte dance isn't legally able to be sold on the USA

Damn that's wild. Any business that has that drastic of spikes of profit and loss cannot possibly be sustainable. I can't see how it could be. Look at the automobile giants in the USA. All it took was one major economic event to bankrupt them, and they got bailed out which should've never happened. It's bullshit.

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I'm in Georgia, they honestly could not care less. I've contacted them in the past about issues and they really did not care

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Black mirror is getting closer everyday

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What LMAO That one's even worse! How do you find this stuff?! 🙀

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Like, if you don't know it's closed

They literally stated that they knew it was closed

It takes three seconds to shake their head or say we're closed something

The signage on the door explains the hours of operation, and the door is locked. Why should that have to be explained?

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The Lemmy user base is so out of touch with the average consumer.

This is probably true. I don't know many people who aren't super heavy into tech, I've had a gaming PC half my life, but I do have a couple friends who don't even have a laptop, PC, computer, or anything. They just have a phone. I don't know how they get by.

Wow... Can't believe this game is still getting updates

Deadlock is destined for the land of toxicity

I don't think we should assume this right away. TF2 isn't really all that toxic (that I am aware of). Valve tends to attract less toxic people in general. OW2 however, hoo boy... that game is agonizing to play. People will not hesitate to insult you.

I agree that votes don't matter at all. Now please, except my humbly casted vote for you in the upward direction :D But no, I think psychologically speaking, votes actually do kind of matter because of mob mentality. If the first thing you see is something overwhelmingly negative, you're more likely to think negatively. This was tested and seems to be the case, if people see a bunch of negative comments on something, they are more like to join in on the mob and downvote or be negative

all I can guarantee is the displacement it will cause won't be to our benefit and will hurt us more than it will help

It already seems to be causing quite a great deal of harm to our society at least here in the USA. We are seeing tens upon tens of thousands of people being laid off and entire tech companies saying that they are eliminating as many jobs as possible in favor of AI. Makes me wonder what these people who are displaced are doing, because if there are so many people in the job market in such a small specialized industry, it would seem logical that they can't find anything and they have to go to a new industry

Can you explain why? Not sure I follow

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This isn't a collectors edition though? It's not even a steelbook. The word collector isn't even used in the marketing. It's just a physical release of a free to play game.

Huh, interesting. For "research purposes", does one find a "good" one of these games? 🤔 Like, are there ones with decent story or actual gameplay? I was honestly surprised by how well the rendering and textures were in this game, but it was created entirely in unreal.

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Seems like it's completely subjective, too. I've seen many posts on reddit about people being shafted by the IRS and forced to pay back a ton in taxes even though it was a legit effort to run an actual business, simply because they don't "think" it's a business

The only protection we could possibly have HAS to be implemented by the government, look how Germany handles their workforce. They have a worker's council, you can't just lay off people or fire tons of people nope. Workers are protected. Here in the USA, people are just servants, building pyramids, and then tossed to the street.

My idea: if a company employs over 50 employees, it should be ILLEGAL to outsource any job overseas, or replace them with AI. Example, voice actors. Should not be legal. Small studios / indie, should be perfectly legal since these are individuals that struggle to get started.

It’s a decent game but a terrible one if you are comparing it to the original Overwatch.

I'm just genuinely curious why/how it's still getting updates and people are playing it with the way it's talked about, they make it sound like the worst game ever

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Yea... I kind of went into this one blind. When someone gives you a gift, you don't go and look up a bunch of reviews on it and stuff. You open the present and start figuring it out yourself. So uhh yeah 😅 I did that... To myself kinda

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A very obvious solution to groupthink is to do away with the silly voting system. I don't know why they kept it. A very simple solution would have been to just assign votes to a topic based on how much attention it's getting. In simple terms, If opposed has 10,000 people that have viewed it, 1,000 people have left a comment, compared to a post that has 100,000 views and 15 comments, you can tell which one should have more attention score. The upvote and downvote system is too easily used as a dislike or like system. Many of us have the maturity to upvote something because we think it's a good discussion point even if we don't agree with what the person is saying. But a lot of people don't think that way mentally. They see something, they read it, immediately go into toxic hater mode and just downvote it for no reason

People that buy this want the cards, keychains, and (especially) the exclusive in-game items.

Yeah, but at that rate, why not just launch a store then and sell those items? Blizzard has their own store. Plenty of franchises do. It's so weird to see a disc version of a free game. Can you imagine if fortnite did that? I don't remember if they ever had a disc version of their game, but if they did launch one today, people would be scratching their heads

You say this, but on TikTok people are genuinely so serious when they comment on stuff about the game and Zenless. "I need her bro" or “I'd do anything for her"

Chat is non-existent in World of Warcraft anymore. You can get banned or muted for basically anything now because people have a right click report button and often abuse it for no reason. I was completely banned from the game for an entire week for this exact same username that I have here, someone reported me and said my name was inappropriate. I've had it for 15 years, and was randomly deemed to be not allowed anymore, so banned. Also had guild members that I was very close with through discord banned for a week for simply making a joke or saying the word fuck.

I hate the phrase “borderline pedophillia.” Either they’re sexualizing children or not.

They hide behind the fact that character age isn't expressly stated anywhere, so it's technically not pedo behavior since it's unknown what age it is. But me personally, I think they're underage.

Example from Zenless subreddit. Piper is a character that looks like she's anywhere from 10 to 15 years of age, and people are posting her half naked.

Here's another post with a very one-sided discussion about NSFW art for characters who are clearly minors, in which the community basically downvotes anyone who tries to voice their opinion that creating erotica and other NSFW art for minors and adolescents is wrong. Truly disgusting behavior, and I'm in disbelief that there's a gaming community out there today like this....

I'd estimate as much as 50% of the entire community left on Reddit are bots. I've seen people being downvoted systemically, just for saying completely ordinary things that aren't even controversial.

I wouldn't hold your breath on it. That mod collection has been in development for many years now. They keep pushing the release date forward, and even when it is released, it's still built off of the really old Skyrim game engine. People who want a remake, not a remaster, want a game that has the same capabilities but with a newer game engine. It really does matter, because it affects what is possible to do in the game. You can't just use the old outdated game engine and upscale the graphics. It's simply will not be possible and will be sluggish, slow as hell. Look at Starfield. Utter failure because many people expected it to have a new game engine. The one it has now is just not up to par

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LMAO this comment sent me. This is exactly what it feels like 😧😔

Seems like most live service games these days are built off of addiction or gambling. For example, gacha gaming is becoming more popular everyday, with their rolls and gambling loops. You can see this in games like Genshin impact. Kind of makes me miss the old days where we had games like battlefield and Call of Duty old school style, just running around playing something that we enjoy for fun.

I've known about this for a while. Sadly, I don't think it'll ever be finished. Even if it is, Skyrim is an extremely old engine and looks like crap, runs like crap. I modded the hell out of it with 4k graphics on an RTX 4070... It's just awful. The engine isn't great. They need to make something new. Even Starfield had the same old ass dated engine.

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This is a big reason why inceldom has risen imo

I haven't seen it nearly this bad until this year. This is the worst year I've ever seen for it, and Hoyo games are by far the worst

hey if impregnation is your kink, you do you

It seems like it's worse than that. I've seen people making extremely inappropriate comments about young characters. For example in Zenless Zone Zero subreddit, there are people that post pictures of the young characters that look like children, Piper and a few others that I don't recall off the top of my head. But they are half naked and fan art of them in extremely suggestive positions. Borderline pedophilia but it's a made up fictional character so they claim it doesn't count and it's perfectly fine. Such a strange view on reality

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Thanks for the awesome response. What do you recommend as an alternative? Valorant? TF2?

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This is only for new members.

Incorrect. You should reread what you included.

as long as your subscription remains active, we will continue to honour the same price you’re paying now as part of our “Grandfather Rate”

So you're locked in basically to that rate until you cancel. It's not for new members specifically. But there's not always going to be content that you enjoy playing. People who stay subscribed to an MMO forever are people who have tons of money to just throw away. I play World of Warcraft, and I have never just subscribed for a year at a time. Sometimes I get busy and I don't have time to play, or there's nothing I enjoy in the current patch.

I worked at GameStop a long, long time ago. Lots of old console games that couldn't be sold went right to the landfill. Xbox 360 for example. So many niche small games that no one wanted even when marked down to a dollar each. We're talking tens of thousands of them just in one small city alone. I've also been to a lot of thrift and antique specialty stores in my area, and there are so many plastic case games there people are trying to get rid of. Hundreds of them. No one wants them anymore. Eventually all this plastic is just going to be thrown into a landfill. Those who actually keep this stuff long-term, maybe they don't have a lot of games or they have the space for it. But consumerism is a major issue across the world that we are struggling to keep up with.

They failed spectacularly with Fallout 4

Eh, not really. Fallout 4 has its share of fans and while the roleplaying and story was weak, I thought the world was well laid out and fun to explore

When I say failed, this is of course my own opinion. I personally feel like it was a failed game because of how simply unfun it is. I had to mod the game to extreme amounts just to get it to be believable and as enjoyable as Skyrim, Oblivion, other Bethesda games. It simply was not fun and its released state due to the horrible dialogue, basically lackluster and meaningless world. No matter where I explored, it wasn't really rewarded at all with anything.

It’s unbelievable that everything in Starfield has a loading screen between it, ran poorly, and was still a buggy mess

It’s unbelievable that everything in Starfield has a loading screen between it, ran poorly, and was still a buggy mess

Corporate greed and incompetence, plain and simple. It took a mod creator a week or two to cook up a solution for that and make the game free of loading screens, he did that FOR FREE. Bethesda is out here with millions in Budget, they couldn't have figured that out? Unbelievable. It's the same crap every single game, too. They're just lazy. Most Beth games that have been released has had a mod released that makes it 100% open world with no load screens

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