I hate people like this

Buttflapper@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 254 points –

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Like, if you don't know it's closed

They literally stated that they knew it was closed

It takes three seconds to shake their head or say we're closed something

The signage on the door explains the hours of operation, and the door is locked. Why should that have to be explained?

The bigger deal is how many customers will react worse if you engage with them in any way. If that weren't the case, pointing to the hours, shaking your head, etc, would be reasonable.

Karens don't have to follow the rules, they're special! If you don't understand that, get your manager and I can tell them...

They stated it was closed, not that they knew it beforehand. And while I personally wouldn't behave that way and definitely wouldn't make such a review, I just tried to put yourself in another person's shoes. If they know that the store is closed, of course this is pretty ridiculous behaviour, but I originally thought about someone not knowing the store is closed and being confused, and then it just doesn't hurt to clarify.

I personally also had situations where I was confused because a store closed an hour earlier than it said on the door and online.