How did Call of Duty get to this point? to – 29 points –

Since I'm a WoW addict, naturally I'm a Blizzard fan, of sorts. But my mind is blown every time I see anything from Call of Duty on the launcher. I've been really out of the loop, and recently saw this.... and I'm shocked. You have to BUY the game for "open beta access", like how does that make any sense? Also, the general look of the game and its marketing now looks like a $5 ripoff FPS game on Steam... What the heck happened?


People buy it. People then buy the skins. I play the free to play one sometimes and nearly every single person I kill has a $30+ skin and weapons. It's saddening.

One of the funniest things with cod too now, is that people always used to say it was the same game every year, but it is actually the same game every year now, with progress and weapons carrying over.

Gone are the days of a one time purchase and a solid game. (Well in the AAA space anyway)

You have to BUY the game for "open beta access", like how does that make any sense?

Whole industry has been that way for a long time. Gives them an excuse to ship broken games so when people complain they can say "its a Beta!".

I've seen games stay in "open Beta" for years (looking at you GTFO).

The term "beta" has been abused for so long that it's become meaningless in terms of what it actually is supposed to be. It's just a paid demo and/or early access.

Just look at WoW, they had a "beta" for like 2 or 3 months, and a paid early access package. Adding insult to injury they started patching/nerfing stuff like a day after early access. It's annoying as fuck that they have many months of "testing" and then fail to fix the blatant issues until it hits live servers and even after the early access period. Everything screams like "should've bought the beta and early access, huh?". Paid stuff like betas and early access are just money grabs, and people fall for it. So next expansion will probably be an even longer early access period, or more bonuses.

As for CoD looking like a collection of brainrot operators, weapons and themes, I think they are just trying to figure out ways to keep CoD relevant without releasing actual identical games every time, even if it just means changing the theme. And people are still buying it, so why would they stop.

I haven’t looked into the beta itself. This particular ad seems to say you can use the exclusive items from the pack in the beta.

Edit: I just googled it. There is an early access beta but there is also an open beta.

But really the answer to "why is it like this?" Is "because money."

FWIW the open beta will be open, but people who prepurchase get extra skins and early beta access. Activision has been putting anti-consumer features in CoD since Black Ops 3, to my knowledge. That was the first one where you had to roll loot boxes to unlock all the weapons as opposed to just playing MP matches.

Advanced warfare set the precedent. Black ops 3 made it slightly less of a slot machine, but it was still garbage.

Oh okay! I missed out on Advanced Warfare's online, going straight from Black Ops II to Black Ops III. I remembered people not liking the boost jumping in Advanced Warfare, but I didn't realize that's where all the loot box stuff started. To its credit, I remember playing some splitscreen AW with my brothers, and I believe it had all weapons unlocked offline at least. BO3 didn't have that, which was a disappointment for me in a rural area without internet capable of online MP.

Honestly the skins look better than the shit I saw in the last one like Niki Minaj and shit. I still wouldn't buy any of them though.

Edit: as for paying for any kind of beta is dumb

To be fair, you don't HAVE to buy it to access the beta as it's open to everyone next weekend.

But yes, betas are now "glorified demos" and have been for a fair few years.

It's not really beta quality. I hopped on with my brother just to see if I was interested in the game (we both played black ops, the original back on the PS3). It was actually extremely stable and pretty fun. He noticed a UI glitch but ... it's not like there was even a feedback or bug report button.

It's just early access with the disclaimer there might be something wrong... Which isn't that different from buying a release day game anymore unfortunately.