If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?

aeharding@vger.social to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 157 points –
  1. Fitted sheet must have label on bottom right seam
  2. Salted butter wrapping text must be red. Unsalted blue.

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I'm very much fine with that, too. I just think it was on the right on Sun keyboards. Either way, not the most common key but infinitely more useful than a caps lock.

It has some niche use(r)s. I for one use it daily - My preferred keyboard layout is US Dvorak, but as a noggie I sometimes need to type æøåÆØÅ, so I use compose for those, as well as the occasional trademark, copyright, degrees, etc.

You forgot interrobang‽ The most important and incredulous reason for a compose key.