If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?

aeharding@vger.social to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 157 points –
  1. Fitted sheet must have label on bottom right seam
  2. Salted butter wrapping text must be red. Unsalted blue.

As someone who uses a Nintendo switch and an Xbox, the A and B buttons should be in the same place on all game controllers.

Fucking yes. @ArbitraryMary@lemmy.world for world president.

While I agree with the first thing, I'm concerned what someone with the name Arbitrary might do with more power!

What if they ban chocolate chips on waffles?? I'd be doomed!

No bans of chocolate chips on anything will ever be issued. You have my word.

I fully endorse you now, without knowing anything else! Woo party with waffles with chocolate chips on them time!

Print the food expiration date above the label barcode. Black ink on white background.

Honestly ANY standard would be an improvement over the current reality.

Expiration date see:

the back of your own head

Seriously, I feel like one of those Rubik's cube champions looking at my yoghurt from all possible dimensions trying to find out if it turned to cheese or not.

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The number of hotdogs in a hotdog pack and the number of hotdog buns in a hotdog bun pack cannot be coprime

The number of hotdogs in a hotdog pack and the number of hotdog buns in a hotdog bun pack cannot be coprime

Steve Martin agrees!

(Although 8 and 12 aren’t coprime, and he tears open three bags of buns, meaning if he had just bought three packs of hot dogs and two bags of buns he’d be fine.)

“Coprime” is the operative qualifier of the original comment. You can’t do what Steve Martin did with coprime amounts of buns and dogs because they can never evenly go into one another. You’ll always have leftovers.

“Coprime” is the operative qualifier of the original comment.

I did say that 8 and 12 weren’t coprime.

You can’t do what Steve Martin did with coprime amounts of buns and dogs because they can never evenly go into one another. You’ll always have leftovers.

That isn’t true. You can do EXACTLY what he did. If he had packs of 8 hot dogs and 9 buns, removing one bun from each pack would have the same effect. And 8 and 9 are coprime.

And you can also do what I said he could’ve done, that is, get an even number of hot dogs and buns by purchasing different amounts of packages. If someone purchased 9 packs of 8 hot dogs and 8 packs of 9 buns, they would even out.

You can ensure any two coprime integers go into another number evenly by simply making them factors of the other number (in this case, 72).

Edit: fixed a typo

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wish I could upvote you more than once just for the use of this word

We need more maths terminology in our regulations

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LEDs on electronics need either a maximum brightness or an adjustable brightness. I have taken to covering the LEDs on charger bricks with Sharpie/tape (often multiple layers of tape) to dampen the brightness because I cannot function with these damn things at night.

Connected to this: Bluetooth headphones do not need, and never needed, a flashing LED while they’re in use. I would regulate this harshly.

They should flash when they are first turned on, so you can tell that they turned on. That helps diagnose connection issues versus power issues. After that, though, darkness please.

And the fast blink while pairing can stay too. That's a good use of the LED imho.

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Same, all my electronics look like abominations of electric tape, it's the only way I can have them not light up my room at night.

Did you try just shutting off the current?

Right. Gonna do that with the humidifier

That I need

To make my room bearable during drought season

Or the split AC.

That I also need

To make my room bearable during summer.

Can you see how that would be a problem?

People who make electric devices are putting blinding blue LEDs in a million places they do not and will never belong.

My trick is printer paper! 1 layer suffices for most LEDs, but the most intense ones need 2.

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Packaging for supermarket products should have what the product is big and the branding small. Not the other way around.

Oh. Sound mixing on movies/tv shows should be such that voice lines are always perfectly audible even on shitty speakers. Make actors e n u n c i a t e like they did in the 30s. Christopher Nolan has a lot to answer for, turning all of media into mumblecore chief among those things.

I think all food packaging should be standardized and reusable, with a deposit system similar to reusable glass drink bottles (at least in Germany).

For instance: All the cereals should use the same returnable 'cereal box'

Streaming sites should have options like some video games where you can choose what type of speakers you are listening through. Because I do have nice 5.1 speakers, but I don't always want to use them. Because they are loud as fuck lol.

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It may seem slightly above inconsequential, but parking. Parking is a great example of arbitrary rules having longstanding effects. (Really neat video on parking regulations - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUNXFHpUhu8)

As for more inconsequential. Leafblowers Leafblowers immediately banned unless they are

  • Less than 20db
  • Zero emission

So 10 times quieter than a silent room?

They said regulate, it’s up to the industry to create a compliant product

It must be quieter than the sound of a leaf hitting the ground!

Yeah no kidding, this guy uses decibel scale but doesn't understand decibel scale. I fucking hate leaf blowers but 55dB seems like a reasonable starting point to me. It won't even barely reach your yard from a neighbor's.


These people are usually the sorts who rise at 5am regardless of day and have become bored after 3 hours awake. If they think about it at all, they believe that everyone who is not yet up by 8am is a fool who ought to be out of bed, thus that is the perfect time to make noise.

As to why they rise at 5am, take your pick from: i) Old and unable to sleep for long periods - Will be asleep again in an armchair by 11am once they've gone back inside; ii) Military bearing or wannabe - Probably has reveille.wav for an alarm; iii) Abject a-hole who gets a kick out of it. Honourable mention: iv) someone with no choice under direction from one of the above.

You forgot v) collaborates internationally for work, requiring them to be awake early to maximize overlapping hours in their workday.

But even I know not to do noisy shit outside until at least 10. Those few quiet hours in the morning where it seems I’m the only person alive are to drink coffee and cherish.

you also forgot people who work in factories that have to get up at 4:00 a.m. during the week and so they like to sleep in till 5:00 a.m. on the weekends.

I'm guilty of 8am yardwork, but mostly mowing in the hottest part of summer at the coolest part of the day. I'm also guilty of 8pm yardwork when it's just the only time I can find to get it done. I only mow once every 2-4 weeks depending on how much my grass has grown, so I figure that balances it out somewhat

Small bladder, but I still refrain from impacting others.

My neighbor likes to do yardwork at 10pm

Luckily he has electric equipment so it doesn't make as much noise

Except for the days he decides to do woodworking too

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every date MUST be in RFC 3339 format. e.g. 2024-09-08, with optionally the time: 21:41:24+02:00

and hell no not ISO 8601 cause then people would use stuff like 2024W154

Thank you! Also nobody wants to buy a copy of an ISO standard

Would you allow long dates?

For example, Jan. 11, 2022, or 7 September 2010.

no, for cross-language interoperability. ok I just noticed that this breaks other calendar systems but well

Broadcasting audio from a personal device in public should be a misdemeanor.

Having a conversation with a voice assistant in public should be a minor felony.

To branch off from this, can i be the regulator for anyone using speaker phone in public/shops for 1v1 conversations by holding the phone next to their face to talk and walking around.

Oncoming car headlights should not blind you. Companies need to stop making these and if they are custom jobs, this should be easy tickets for the police.

The adaptive headlights that fix this are not legal in the US, but in other countries they can be used and will selectively dim parts of their light beams that point at other cars.

But what about pedestrians, cyclists, etc.?

Can probably work with a cyclist with a light. But in any case it’s not as big of a deal as a pedestrian or cyclist. Anyways brighter lights might be safer since the driver can more easily see pedestrians and cyclists.

As a pedestrian often struggling to see what the heck I'm doing when walking along a road at night, I'm not sure I agree with it being not such a big deal. I mean, true, I can't really cause an accident that big considering I'm not a multi-ton death machine, but...

As for brighter = safer, I'm not sure either. Wouldn't people see better in the inevitable area outside of their headlights if headlights weren't so bright as to set their eyes up into "daylight mode"?

I think the concept of night adjusted eyes are already pretty lost in any city these days. We’ve moved away from sodium lamps so night vision isn’t really activated as all. In this situation, you’d want the driver to see as much as possible and from as far away as possible so they can react to pedestrians. And having used vehicles with both OEM LED and normal halogens, the brighter LED definitely makes it easier to see.

Ugh, don't remind me of how the transition to LEDs was handled. Should we use yellow LEDs to make it non-obnoxious? Nah, just blast everyone's eyes with cool white LEDs.

Laptop keyboard layouts. There is no reason they should be so different.

Specifically, those laptops that have full-sized left and right arrows, but half-sized up and down arrows - those earn 1 week of jail time for the CEO per unit sold.

While we're at it, the power button must be in the same place on all laptops.

I wholeheartedly agree. But unfortunately my regulated standardized keyboard would probably be very unpopular, especially in the US.

ANSI keyboard no more. ISO keyboards only.

Caps Lock has no use beyond writing angry replies in the YouTube comment section, so Caps Lock will be replaced by Compose.

Adding a power button, or anything similar such as suspend, in a place where it might be pushed by accident is highly illegal.

Oh, and all keyboards will be US Dvorak from now on. Sure, you can change the layout in software, but the lettering on the keys remain dvorak.

And 50% of all keyboards sold will have to have a penguin instead of a windows logo on the menu key.

Caps lock is stuck in what is a great place for a modifier. Specifically ctrl. Compose can be somewhere to the right.

I prefer to keep ctrl where they are. But if you insist on moving left ctrl to caps Lock, that means that bottom left is available for compose.

Compose is best to have on the left side, as the first key struck immediately after it is usually one of the characters on the right. Plus, historically, keyboards that actually had a dedicated compose key had it in the left. Where shift is now, I think.

I'm very much fine with that, too. I just think it was on the right on Sun keyboards. Either way, not the most common key but infinitely more useful than a caps lock.

It has some niche use(r)s. I for one use it daily - My preferred keyboard layout is US Dvorak, but as a noggie I sometimes need to type æøåÆØÅ, so I use compose for those, as well as the occasional trademark, copyright, degrees, etc.

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I just want every keyboard to have a home and end button (I'm a coder, and my current keyboard doesn't have them, and I have to set a binding in every. single. thing.)

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Tags on clothing must be printed on, with some exceptions where sewed letters are allowed. None of that free hanging tag BS.

Most sewn tags I don't have much of an issue with, since I can remove them if they're annoying.

But some, often the most annoying ones, are sewn with the same thread as the garment itself, meaning you will unravel the garment if you try to take it off. Argh.

The front panel connectors on a motherboard should all be standard and be a single connection.

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I love a lot of the ideas in this thread but a ton of them are actually consequential.

People just take any opportunity to rant about their favourite cause that gets them fired up. They don't care about a fun premise for a thread. Sidenote: that would be my inconsequential thing to regulate; that people would always have to respond to forum posts on topic and in the spirit of the post.

I think most of these ideas are great but actually too consequential.

Chargers should have an LED that displays red while charging and green when finished. An amber LED toward the end is acceptable. I'm not making this up. I have an item that only displays solid red, when it's finished charging.

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International standard paper sizes (A4 etc.) in the U.S.

I assumed it was global... What do you use in the US?

A pretty-much arbitrary system based on a standard letter size of 8.5 in x 11 in, with multiples and fractions thereof. It lacks the critical √2 aspect ratio, so pages designed for one size have the wrong proportions when scaled up or down.

Sports teams that change cities must also change names.

No more "Utah Jazz".


Similarly, cable channels that veer from their original content must also change their names. Mtv hasn't been Music Television in decades.

Sounds like you want trademark reform.

There are basically no requirements for maintaining trademarks. If a company owns a name they can use that name and branding forever, no matter how false it becomes, no matter how much the business or product changes, they can keep the name. This shouldn't be the case.

If an ice cream company is named after their two founders, the company shouldn't be able to keep using their names after they're no longer involved. But under current laws they can.

A glass company can build its reputation on making heatproof glass, then change the glass so its no longer heatproof, while still selling it under the same name. This is unjust.

Companies should be forced to rebrand upon major changes. Current trade mark laws are fundamentally misleading.

The point of trademarks is to avoid market confusion.

MTV didn't instantly eliminate all of it's programming and created new programming overnight. They had reality TV shows playing alongside music videos in the 90s. There are some people that might like a reality show that was on MTV when they were playing music videos, then suddenly the name of the company changes because they don't play music and those people can't find the show they like? Even though it's still on, still being made by the same company, but under a different name because curmudgeons don't think it's appropriate that a company with the letter M in it's name isn't focused on music?

Trademarks are about people being able to know which company they're buying from. The name of the company is relatively arbitrary. You could start a company making computers and give it an arbitrary name like I don't know "Apple". then people will associate the quality of the computers with that arbitrary name "Apple". Well you could if someone didn't do exactly that already. It's not so much the name it's the consistency that matters most.

And many names we just kind of forget their origins because they're irrelevant to what the company now does. Does Motorolla have to change it's name because they no longer make record players for cars? Does DC have to rebrand because very few of their comics are about detectives? KFC can't call themselves that because a vast majority of their restaurants aren't in Kentucky?

I'd actually go the other way if anything. Make it illegal for a company to change it's name. Facebook promotes eating disorders to teenagers? Sorry you aren't changing your name to Meta, you can't do bad shit and erase that negative brand association by re-branding. You want your brand to be considered good? Then do better.

"Local" sports teams should be comprised only of locals. No buying and trading from other regions.

I like this. It's stupid that LA has the Lakers... because LA is known for it's lakes? They also have the Dodgers... yeah because people are always dodging streetcars in LA?

The MTV thing though... I think they've already made it so the M doesn't stand for anything now. They removed the "Music Television" part off of their logo anyway.

"Soon it was commonplace for entire teams to change cities in search of greater profits. The Minneapolis Lakers moved to Los Angeles where there are no lakes. The Oilers moved to Tennessee where there is no oil. The Jazz moved to Salt Lake City where they don't allow music.

The Raiders moved from Oakland to LA back to Oakland, no-one seemed to notice."

Address numbers are to be placed in a prominent position, with a font that is legible from the street and illuminated at night, on every building in cities and towns.

Out in the country address numbers are to be displayed on reflective signs at the end of the driveway and again if/when a shared driveway splits.

Having addresses be easily legible for emergency services isn't inconsequential, and is legally required where I live.

I wasn't even thinking of emergency services. I was thinking selfishly as a pizza guy.

stand on the right of the escalator, walk on the left, or go to fucking jail

(reversed in countries where they drive on the left)

also no single wide escalators. (MTA, cut that shit out!)

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If you do any industrial processing step which creates something harmful for the environment, your company is responsible for undoing that step after nobody wants the result any more.

This creates an incentive to recycle and build stuff to be able to deconstruct it's components. Less stuff in the landfills and more raw materials for recycling.

Let the consumer bear the cost by paying the real price of a product and not mother nature.

Motorcycles have a maximum volume

Alternatively 13 months of 28 days

Motorcycles have a maximum volume

They already do, at least where I live. The problem is that they sell aftermarket exhausts that bring the volume to an illegal level, and cops don't care.

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If a food package is not resealable, the nutritional information must state how many calories are in the entire package.

Packaging should be made to be reusable. Glass jars must have easily removable labels, plastic wrap would only be allowed for sterile equipment, otherwise you have to use paper and other biodegradable materials. Branding would have to be completely removable too. Basically, packaging would remain a product of the state, and would be completely controlled. Corporations would have to pay packaging tax to subsidize control of this.

  • Pwm flicker should be regulated on all LED devices, from smartphones to household bulbs and car turn signals.
  • Price displayed is exactly what you pay. With tax, no credit card or smartphone surcharge or "cash discount"
  • Tip screen on POS cash registers is displayed before you swipe/tap your card, not afterward.

You have to put the highest scoville rated ingredient on your hot food stall.

I do not want to be surprised in either direction.

If I eat somewhere new around here and am warned about something being spicy I always ask

Is it actually spicy or Midwest spicy?

I remember an Indian place in Copenhagen had three levels of spiciness: Indian, British or Danish.

This is what I always struggle with. Is this curry Indian spicy, or American spicy? There have been times where the "lesser spicy" food has brought me to my knees, and other times where the hottest item on the menu was a cakewalk.

Yes. I've never had anything in Europe labeled as "spicy" that wouldn't be outclassed by a mild hot sauce in the US. Closest I've come is an Indian restaurant in London. Also the hot sauce at Nando's was an honorable mention.

Meanwhile the minimum spice level at the hole in the wall Mexican restaurant down the street in Texas is at the same level and hot enough in the high end that I can't handle it. It's perfect.

Even in the US it varies, little towns in PA consider black pepper spicy...

TV remotes, computer speakers, car radios, etc must have two sets of volume up / volume down controls. One for upper volume limit, and one for the lower.

Now I can hear what the characters are whispering to eachother, without waking up the entire apartment complex when there's a gunshot on screen.

Or hear the quiet parts of music when I'm driving without blowing my eardrums out when the contrasting high energy part kicks in.

That's called a compressor and you could run your stereo through one or use a mobile app to do the processing on your phone.

All of my my windows machines that are hooked up to screens have Loudness Equalization enabled, which works a dream!

My Linux boxes have another software I can’t remember the name of, which do the same thing but does require more tuning.

I couldn’t watch anything without it.

If you have a surround setup, try boosting only the center speaker. Dialog is usually played through that.

Someone else mentioned a compressor. If your tv/hifi has a night mode, it’s doing that exact thing.

It frustrates me to no end that you can customize audio levels for vocals, music, sound effects, etc in video games, but you can't individually customize anything volume-wise on a TV.

If you play videos through VLC player, you can adjust the dynamic range, which sounds like what you are looking for.

If you run Linux, you can even do it at the system level.

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Ban pharmaceutical advertising.

Ban the display of the US flag in public by private individuals including police except on national holidays and public/government buildings.

Doctors should also not receive incentives to prescribe certain drugs

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  1. All microwaves must have an option to silence them.
  2. Public restroom doors are no longer allowed to have gaps in them.

For microwaves with paused cooking time left on them, after 5 minutes it should wipe and go back to the clock.

All microwaves can be silenced with a big enough mute bat button.

No more daylight saving clock change. If I want to get up an hour earlier, I'll set my alarm to do so.

Anyone who lets their dog bark outside for 10+ continuous minutes (except in case of emergency) loses dog privileges for a year. One year added for every five minutes over 10.

ShotSpotter installs can be repurposed to locate homes of negligent owners who are annoying the entire neighborhood by letting their dogs bark unmitigated.

My neighbor texted me the one time they had their dog barking in the backyard for 10 min + with an explanation of why he was out there, and the offer to bring him back in if it was too noisy in our house. 10/10 great neighbor, and honestly made me not mind the barking at all

What was their explanation?

That they were trying to train their toddler to sit at the table but having an issue because the toddler wants to give the dog the table food and the dog wants to get that food which knocks the toddler over because the toddler is just learning to sit at the table. They normally put the dog out no problem but the dog knows the toddler is at that table now so is extra motivated to be let back in. A short term thing, and they needed the toddler to be able to focus.

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Stickers put on products by manufacturers or retailers must either be on the product packaging or be made with the material that leaves no residue behind when peeled off.

I'd like ALL game advertising to be composed of at least 50% actual in game screenshots or or videos, but that would actually be consequential and good

For inconsequential, remove stupid-proofing from certain products, like "warning: contains eggs" in egg cartons

Gameplay.. cutscenes are in the game.

When I think gameplay, I think of someone actively playing the game. Not cutscenes.

I think that's what they were trying to say, since the original comment just mentioned "in-game", but they probably meant gameplay.

If you are selling three sizes of something, the sizes are called "small", "medium" and "large".

“Regular” instead of medium should be ok.

If there are only 2 sizes you can pick any 2 of the labels.

"Medium" should not be allowed if there are only 2. Medium is in the middle. "Regular" would be fine, but I can't remember ever seeing it.

Nah, "Regular" is reserved for when you've been eating in the same place for a long time and you walk in there like "Ey Tony, gimme the regulah" and the cook goes "Coming right up boss".

New "No Ads" holiday. No ads on TV or the entire internet for one day, physical billboards can stay, digital billboards must be turned off, essentially all form of digital advertisement is disallowed. If a company breaks those rules, it is fined 50% of its average annual revenue.

All shoe and clothing companies must use universal measurements and sizes

Online dating apps. I'd:

  1. Break up the monopoly that Match Group and Bumble Inc hold on the market, by working with the Federal Trade Commission and UK Competitions & Markets Authority.

  2. Introduce caps on what apps can charge for Premium features. Charging the same price as several World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XIV subscriptions just to see likes is scummy as fuck.

  3. Introduce mandatory ID verification to dissuade fake users, and have very strict regulations on how said data is processed and stored, with massive fines for data breaches that could easily have been avoided.

  4. Have a correct appeals process towards account penalties/closure and outlaw the use of shadowbanning.

Japan and some countries already have some of this legislation actually

E-bike legislation. Here in BC Canada, you're limited to 500W motor and 32KPH. while I have no problem with the speed limit, I think they should allow up to at least 1000w motors. Heavier individuals such as myself would crush a 500w motor.

You're not supposed to sit on the motor, my man.

Youre supposed to put it in a frame of some sort.

Now I definitely agree with the point you're making, but unless you're like 300+ kgs, 500w should be fine for personal transport.

I had one board with a 500w engine that went 63km/h with a full battery and my ~75 kg of mass on it. It didn't have much torque, though, but it was fast. On the other hand, these rentable e-scooters we have, have like 350W engines and are limited in speed to 25kmh, but have amazing torque, even my brother can get up steep hills on those, and he's genuinely 1.5x the man I am, size wise (at least). Hills that my 500w fast scoot didn't manage with me on it.

So it's not just the raw power output of the engine which matters, is my point.

Personally I think we need a framework paradigm shift. I know it would require a ton, worldwide, but just like how pedestrians got sidewalks in the early 20th century when cars took over the roads, we now need another split again. In that there should be three lanes, pedestrian, light vehicles, then actual road.

With like a small escoot and a bike you could still use pedestrian ways as well, but any faster or larger e-transports could have their own lane to use. Small e-cars as well. No power limits, but some sort of little regulation.

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I don't have anything to add, I just want to say this is a phenomenal question, lol.

The THC content of edibles. It's unregulated in NYC so everything seemingly has between 30mg and 1250mg while I'm sitting here with a 10mg hard limit. A few states have a 5mg or 10mg per serving limit and it's wonderful

Are you in licensed dispensaries? Pretty much all the ones I've been to, the edible options are 2.5mg, 5mg and 10mg. My other thought, are you sure you aren't looking at the THC content of the whole container? I have some 10mg chocolates in the freezer, but dead center on the lid's label is "100mg THC", then underneath and in a much smaller font, "per bottle." I've noticed that on a lot of packaging, as well as dispensary websites, they choose to list stupid big numbers by just listing the overall content, and not what you would get per unit.

I would make the written English language 100% phonetic.

I would make SI mandatory in the US.

I would make one night a week a "have dinner with the neighbors" day.

Edit: I would make bidet toilets mandatory. Dry toilets would be phased out like cars without back-up cameras or asbestos insulation.

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Early access and beta and alpha terms for games. Also, early access has a time limit.

Alpha - we're adding and removing features.
Beta - we're 90% polishing 10% adding/removing.
Early access - just fixing bugs. Maximum 3 to 6 months.

You can stay in alpha and beta as long as you want. I don't want to change game dev actuality. I just want the terms to reflect what's actually going on.

I don’t want to change game dev actuality. I just want the terms to reflect what’s actually going on.

Very good and sensible, I second this motion!

I don’t think that Early Access is meant to convey a specific stage of development. That’s probably why they opted to use that instead of alpha/beta. Maybe developers should be required to disclose their plans between now and release, but I don’t feel that an arbitrary time limit is fair.

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I want all counties to come together and agree what sounds we use for animals.

All bags of pet food must be self sealing.

All bags of pet food must be self sealing.

Your wish is granted. All pet food bags now have integrated AI to help with SmartSeal self sealing.

A finger on the monkey's paw curls.

Lmao, I worded that wrong. Like, they should all have a way to seal them shut again. Most of them you just open, I want a little ziploc top or something

The one I buy has a Ziploc but it's very shittily attached to the inside of the bag. So sometimes it breaks off and then both sides of the Ziploc are stuck to one wall of the bag and it becomes useless.

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Institute maximum ad space limits that an individual corporation or organization are allowed to buy per unit of eyespace.

Also, adverts put up on your behalf contribute to that limit, so no SuperPAC shenanigans.

Should at least resolve the issue of being spammed endlessly by adverts from the same group over and over and over again.

No more street lights. Nighttime is now dark the way it should be.

Drinking straws are too wide/girthy on average. Every fast food and coffee place uses giant straws, while a relatively skinny straw provides a vastly superior drinking experience, in my view.

Unfortunately, those aren't designed for your drinking experience; they're designed to make you drink as much high-margin beverage as possible.

Emergency brakes should be a handle that pulls a mechanical cable that directly actuates the rear brakes. Simple and reliable, like you would want in an emergency.

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Grapefruit from the supermarket must always taste of grapefruit.

Ceiling fans should all have physical controls. Shitty 4 button remotes that don't even work half the time don't cut it.

In their new house, my parents put those remote controlled fans in the spare rooms we'd stay in. It's controlled by a switch which is an all-or-nothing. When I stay here holidays (out of state) I prefer to have the ceiling fan on at all times because the room is usually several degrees warmer without it. So to leave the fan on but light off when I'm not in the room, I have to find the remote...that they refuse to mount on the wall in the small case it came in.

Yea, that's how mine is too. I fucking hate this thing. At least with mine there's separate lights that are not controlled by the fan I can use.

I'm a heathen, my fan has hanging pull cords.

The light has only been turned on once in ten years...

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A modern standard for indoor lighting receptacles.

It’s silly that we ship a driver and circuit board packed into the lightbulb just to make it compatible with screw bulb receptacles. We should have a new socket that accepts efficient lightbulbs and that can reuse or modularize driver electronics. Instead, the market has gone for full integration at the expense of the consumer.

If you build a new home these days, you get the lightbulb and fixture integrated together. This necessitates replacing the entire assembly when it fails, and when you have to do this eventually you’re going to have mismatched indoor lighting unless you had the foresight to buy extra units.

We need a new lightbulb socket standard, but for modern lighting.

And it must not connect to wifi or the internet.

Having some kind of control signal available over wire would be nice, though. So the only way to dim lights wasn't to turn them on and off again a hundred times a second. That would also enable timers and automatic lights for those who want them. Without clouds.

Local ZigBee is fine, like all the 12v IKEA lighting.

I love telling my phone to turn off my lights in bed, or changing the color of my lights with a simple command. It’s super handy and I’m never going back.

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Those electronics are frequently for converting AC to DC and/or regulating the LEDs off current, or for built-in features like zwave, color changing, etc.

Assuming you are mostly interested in getting rid of the AC conversion stuffz are you suggesting adding DC light outlets in each room? Where would you cconvert from mains?

Personally, I'd like to convert pretty much all of my lighting to 12v or 24v DC, but want to make sure I understand what you had in mind.

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Clearly written weight netto of the product and second weight ( it can be smaller caps ) the weight netto 1 year before for the same product

Advertisements should always say what the thing is and what it does.

Disney + show ads on YouTube are like, two dialogue lines, and then "Stream now on Disney Plus". Only thing more annoying than an ad is an ad where you don't even understand what the hell they were trying to sell you.


Fast lane is for passing only

Ok, but if you are still tailgating me in the right lane because I'm doing the speed limit, I'm allowed to deploy James Bond style gadgets from my car at you.

Tell that to the civil engineers who designed spaghetti bowls full of splits and left-exits and ignored surface street routes and mass transit so even when the freeways are moving at the speed limit there is enough traffic that there is no guarantee there will be enough space to move over at the perfect time.

This is a lovely enough idea for actual intercity travel, and it only takes a couple of clueless asses to make that frustrating, but I see people who think it's actually realistic in populated areas and I shake my head.

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Every keyboard must have a home and end key that doesn't require pressing additional keys like fn, and home must go to the start of the line, while end goes to the end of the line.

Gender separated bathrooms, they're an unnecessary way to increase cost for no real benefit

Have you ever noticed the line outside the woman’s bathroom at an event? I prefer the two bathroom system.

“I’d rather others be inconvenienced because I’m comfortable with how it is”

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Expand allergy warning labels on products. Mammal product allergy exists, it's called alpha-gal syndrome - one of the issues that can arise from a tick bite. I would like to see allergy labels for beef, pork, gelatin, and carrageenan alongside the ones for milk, wheat, nuts, etc.

And cocoa. It's a common allergen, causing migraines.

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  • Loading dishwashers properly requires an official government license and a test.
  • Putting a flat plate in front of a bowl means a year of hard labor.
  • Loading any of the good kitchen knives is an automatic 10 years.

I absolutely agree with you. My former flatmate didn't like to use the dishwasher because according to her, it wouldn't clean the dishes properly. Yet she would load the dishwasher by stacking the plates horizontally... as you would store them in a cupboard

I’m impressed they managed to work out the complex process of inhaling and exhaling with that few working brain cells.

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Women's clothing now have the same definition for what is xs s m l xl and etc

I misread this as regurgitate, weird suggestions. Hahaha.

Coffee shop tables should be 3 legged to prevent them from wobbling and me spilling my coffee when I lean onto the table even just a bit.

The top speed of cars is limited to the highest speed limit in the country they're certified for.
For emergencies, there's a covered switch on the dash which disables the limit, calls 911 and transmits your position to them.

Replace "in god we trust" on money with Satan.

Replace with "in Satan we trust" or jus plainly leave it at "Satan"?

It’s gotta be the latter. Then have a PSA campaign explaining that it stands for something-something-Nation.

What about that pyramid with an eyeball on there? US money is weird as fuck and everyone is just all "yup these are completely normal things to have on our currency."

Brian Brushwood once referred to the reverse of the USD $1 bill as "a ticket to the illuminati show."

Fun fact: The Great Seal of the United States of America has a front and a back just like a coin. The eagle with the shield and the olive branch and the arrows is the front, the All Seeing Pyramid is the back. And while the Obverse of the Great Seal is used quite a lot, the only prominent use of the reverse is on the $1 bill.

U.S. has the Dr. Bronner's soap label of currencies.

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Fun fact, that wasn't on money till the "red scare" after WW2.

The pledge of alligance didn't include "under god" originally either.

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Fruit and Veggies should be in order from least ripe to most ripe to make it easier to eat a healthy diet overtime.

If your toaster can't fit a slice of Warburton' Toastie comfortably, then the CEO of the toaster company gets toasted to death at the stake.

Bumper height of vehicles.

Glassware must be rated to survive short drop onto wood floor at a minimum.

(The fitted sheets we have do have tags for top and bottom with hanging tag at bottom. I would say just don't give them hanging tags at all.)

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