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I mean that just means you didn’t hack them well enough.

I think the argument makes more sense when applied to villainize billionaires. Like there’s makes more money and then there’s makes many orders of magnitude more money. You’re much closer to a millionaire than a billionaire.

Then “anyone with money then me” becomes “anyone with 10,000x more money than me” and you can see where the arguments starts to make sense again. Did this person work 10,000x more than me? Obviously that’s impossible and therefore someone must’ve been exploited.

The argument is usually there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. As in every part of the system is exploitative. The computer he used to program exploited workers and natural resources. The clothing he wore made in sweatshops. All the food made by exploiting animals, etc.

Therefore those with the most money must’ve cumulatively exploited more than others regardless of how they made the money because the exploitation is unavoidable.

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Well maybe they’ve gotten enough nice points they can turn them in for one sex?

If he turned it into a generator and powered a heat pump he could get 2-3x the heat energy than he generates.

Is this an event for the next version of the Apple Vision Pro?

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Better Off Ted

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That’s like 50% of the graduating class?

Doesn’t seem like enough resolution for an outline to work.

Some of us have PTSD from losing work back in the day. Now it’s just habit.

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And if you’re the type that does not handle criticism well, don’t expect honest answers. So you should first determine if you are ok at handling criticism.

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Capitalism isn’t a form of government the way democratic socialism is? But to your point, even Adam Smith realized the problems with a legal and governmental system that is controlled by corporations to be a terrible idea. He was well aware that profit motives without limit leads to mistreatment of individuals.

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That’s a lot of dirty parking lots you’re walking through… even the cleanest surfaces outside have way more dust and grime than inside.

There's probably one computer at most per employee, but each employee already has a non Windows cell phone. Most servers run Linux. Then there's Linux in a bunch of small devices as well. Windows is a small part of that pie and only getting smaller.

How do you run fiber somewhere remote or on a ship? It's not like satellites work well in high density situations but they're the only solution for some.

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Your code should generally be self documenting: Have variable and method names that make sense.

Use comments when you need to explain something that might not be obvious to someone reading the code.

Also have documentation for your APIs: The interfaces between your components.

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I can't read this perl script may also apply to something you wrote last week.

One death reported now, but yeah for a quake that strong it seems handled well.

Don’t lightning bolt me bro!

I think it gets more spherical the larger it gets. The initial explosion from nukes are fairly spherical if you look at the old film.

My partner totally asks me questions she hears from TikTok trends. Man vs bear, etc.

He once complimented my stroll and it is something I will treasure for the rest of my life.

Tommy Caldwell is a high level outdoor rock climber and he’s missing most of his left index finger.

Select people at random. Otherwise it’s self selecting.

Greece is a cheap vacation for Europeans and they actually have vacation days.

The week evening shut down:

Finished a vacation and was about to start a new job and then told not to come in for a while. They eventually mailed me a laptop but got like two weeks being paid to do nothing.

Matched with some lady on a dating app and were planning to meet but had to switch to a virtual date. We’re married now.

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Feel like this is what Fisker should’ve tried. The Ocean had the right hardware but it seemed like they spent too much effort on their infotainment instead of getting the basics right. Then target the sub-$30k market with a car that drives well with decent range and fewer gimmicks that just works.

They probably should’ve gone with simpler software and focused more on the fundamentals. Like they could be forgiven for not having all the self driving features at launch but an unreliable key is pretty bad.

You could probably use most sands or rocks, it’s just cheaper to start with more silicon dioxide since the purification processes will result in higher yields.

It has made my day that this Taco Bell Wedding exists and that it is $50,000/hour for 25 guests and all you get is Flora Pop.

Wouldn't this mean all matter could easily reach light speed?

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So you need to consider the relationship between the amount of decay radiation and how long a substance lasts. The more radiation, the faster the fuel will decay. If you want something to last a long time this way it will probably be too stable to generate a lot of energy.

Climbing. Go three times a week and it's just fun and challenging. Gives me a chance to get off my phone and just enjoy the activity.

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You only need one buzz: This position is good or this position is bad. That’s all a top level player needs.

Of course, you can pay money for your AI to “succeed” vs the other AI. Highest bidder gets the choice. You just need to advertise services to men and women as separate companies.

I’d like to think most democracies would enact some socialist policies if there was less money involved in politics… but I’m not sure what the best way to prevent that is.

You can craft laws but the legal system is also profit driven. And you’d need some way to either prevent corruption or get the motivations to line up correctly. But I can’t think of any practical solutions that also align with freedoms.

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So the plug actually opened as the pressure differential was switching from positive to negative (the cabin pressure was lower than the atmospheric pressure). If it was already at altitude the plug would have stayed in place. But due to the missing fasteners the switch between pressures knocked it loose.

Writing interview notes have actually helped a lot for me to use they/them since we have to be gender neutral in our notes. Now it's not so hard to switch into using it when needed.

Hmm… theoretically this is more efficient, however in practice you may end up with a dirty cache… I guess that’s fine if you don’t mind corruption of your coworkers.

It’s very rare in the industry for you to start something and have the flexibility to pick the language. You’re much more likely to be working on an existing system or expected to work with whatever the company uses.

That said, there’s plenty of opportunity to make your own decisions. Having to follow arbitrary style rules is hardly a consideration (actually you’ll find it’s hard enough just to have consistent arbitrary rules within a company).

There may also be opportunities for you to change these rules, but it’s also wise to pick your battles.