
3 Post – 143 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Donair? What's that? Fancy Doner Kebab made with Don Perignon and air?

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Don't think that's ever been a problem anywhere close to Paris climate. It's not that humid and it's not that hot. The difference between inside and outside climate is not that extreme.

And if humidity is a problem, you are dealing with mold, not actual wet floors. That is if the buildings are not well engineered and it would show in the long run, not during the gamee.

Which instances federate with threads? Is there a list?

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ELI5: why is BRICS suddenly a thing and what is it?

I've always known BRIC to mean four countries, which may or may not have similar interests. Ok, add South Africa, that makes it 5 countries.

Until recently, I did not think of BRICS as a bloc or an organisation. What are they? What does it mean if a country seeks to join?

There are several ways to exploit LogoFAIL. Remote attacks work by first exploiting an unpatched vulnerability in a browser, media player, or other app and using the administrative control gained to replace the legitimate logo image processed early in the boot process with an identical-looking one that exploits a parser flaw. The other way is to gain brief access to a vulnerable device while it’s unlocked and replace the legitimate image file with a malicious one.

In short, the adversary requires elevated access to replace a file on the EFI partition. In this case, you should consider the machine compromised with or without this flaw.

You weren't hoping that Secure Boot saves your ass, were you?

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Every generation has this moment, where they learn to hate Microsoft (or Micro$oft). Then, 4% install Linux, 6% buy a Mac with half the RAM for twice the price; and everyone else to keeps complaining.

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Finally, a question where i can shine. You don't have to do anything specific. Just do things.

Use a headset with your phone or laptop: You are on a call. Most people don't speak much at online meetings.

Take a little nap? Thinking.

Want some time alone? Go to a meeting room. Works even better if the room has glass walls since you can see them and they can see that you are "busy", but no one sees your screen.

Have multiple monitors. There's always something work-related on at least one screen.

Have fields of interest that blend in. If one of your hobbies is vaguely related to work you are golden. You can totally read something unrelated to work during working time if it seems most your attention goes towards work. (See multiple screens and some switching back and force.)

Shift your working hours slightly from the norm, i.e. come 5 min earlier than others.

Don't hide windows with non-work stuff when someone sees them. Too late. Act as if you have nothing to hide.

Do a reasonable work-life blend. Work overtime occasionally at odd hours and make managers know that you solved an emergency in your free time. Gives you an excuse to leave early or slack off the next day and any other day.

React to emails with a resonable delay. Of course, you can help, but not right now. You are busy.

Block your calendar and decline invites.

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True, but Firefox has a loyal fanbase.

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What a non-story.

They basically asked: In an ad, do you prefer an actor reading out the marketing script or a computer-rendered face?

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Which is exactly why security should be on the executive agenda.

Short version:

  • Malware got onto Windows PC.
  • From the compromised machine, spying on credentials is trivial.

That's it. All the analysis about how they inject some code into some browser and communicate with their server is a smoke screen.

Our most favourite OS is blatantly insecure.

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12% of the population will fall from some window??

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Web apps

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You guys get to retire?


Yes, what's strange? This is the beta release or release candidate or pre-release snapshot for a version that will enjoy long-term support.

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Sounds like Javascript and co-pilot to me.

Bad news: this is already happening: Subcontractors and labor law (not a machine, but separate-legal-entity excuse), "computer error" for fuck-ups, resellers and franchise models (yes, our name is on it, but you did not buy from us, you bought from this entity who is a dude in China or a bot in india, but totally not us)

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Nothing wrong with diplomatic solution if it leads to a withdrawal of the aggressor.

True, but this was the case without this finding, wasn't it? With write access to the EFI you could replace the boot loader and do whatever you please.

Just to commenting to keep the knowledge: There are other projects that can de-drm audible. Amazon probably knows this and tolerates it. In fact, a long time ago all downloads on Linux did not have DRM. Those days are gone, but this https://github.com/mkb79/audible-cli should work.

As soon as you have 'activation bytes' many tools can play and convert the downloads.

Just send them a GDPR deletion request by mail and they will regret not having an online flow (that's free, obviously). Do they operate in EU? No court will allow this fee and i doubt they risk a trial over 20 bucks.

You can just save your QR code as a picture on your phone, you don’t need internet.

This. OP says they won't have internet and they don't seem to fly often. Since most Airline apps are shitty, don't rely on their app. It could disappear; crash; forget who you are; know who you are, but forget about your flight. This never happens to frequent flyers with the regular airline, but it could totally happen to OP. (And no, it's not the super-low-cost budget airlines that have shitty apps)

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Right on the money: See also the official mullvad docs: https://mullvad.net/en/help/dns-over-https-and-dns-over-tls#linux

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Quantum-safe or Beeper-safe?

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See, that's why I can't dress nice. I'm not lazy; this is an organized protest to better mankind.

Why? Is this because you are a mod now?

BTW: Thrid party apps work on Lemmy.

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As a Linux user, you can pretend the os x is just Linux. That's not true, but you can make it work with brew, some googling and your favourite ide / tech stack.

On the plus side, macs are less problematic to integrate with corporate software. You can run commercial software that's not available for Linux.

Windows is just Windows. A step back from either Linux or mac. Two steps backed when managed by corporate IT.

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This was expected. When solar panels were expensive, you had to optimize for output. When you get the same rate for any kWh, you optimize for output. Now that PV is cheap as fuck, of course, there's going to overproduction.

Now the dynamic will change. Instead of facing south, it becomes attractive to orient east/west. This generates more output on mornings or evenings. As a next step, you add batteries to the mix. Yes, they said they were expensive, need rare materials, and yadda yadda; except with lower prices every month, solar batteries are thing now.

Also "overproduction" is relative. Most of our heating and transport is fossil. There's a long way to go.

Yes, it's a weird part of Linux history. He wrote the code, which is part of the mainline kernel, and his name is on it. Reaching out before removing this seems natural. They didn't invite him to a party.

Hans Reiser and ReiserFS were controversial before the murder. I guess, maintainers want some sort of closure and move on.

Sounds cool. I'm not a Harry Potter fan and certainly no fan of Rowling, but I'm really surprised that this is controversal.

How do you explain the Fediverse? You can find an instance you like. Harry Potter people can have theirs.

Well, not an expert. We learned now that logos are not signed. I'm not sure the boot menu config file is not either. So on a typical linux setup you can inject a command there.

Thanks for the background info. Still not very clear what actually the problem was, but I'd file it under volunteer drama. Working together as a group without clear leadership is hard.

Yes, that's my understanding. A normal user cannot do this. (And of course, an attacker shouldn't not control a local user in the first place.)

Physical access is also a risk, but physical access trumps everything.

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Same question.

It's 5120 px wide. Is this necessary?

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that is a hostile work environment

I understand your frustration. I go to GitHub für code, not for some weirdo's Telegram channel. But, come on, do your employees have access to the internet? Does someone maintain a Facebook page on the clock? Is Google allowed? Reasonable people can distinguish between workplace and internet hate.

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It was a paid service and it still is a paid service. However, now that they open-sourced the server, you can self-host.

Sane people will continue to wear the mask in crowded places.