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They're not losing any rights. Other groups are just starting to get some of those rights.

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It's kinda good for people who don't have the time or the means to go pick up food, but don't mind paying almost twice as much for lukewarm soggy food

I had to reread it multiple times because it initially seemed like the FBI was being flagged as a "major government contractor"

They used more money in ammunition than the amount of money the shootout started over!

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Not just his party but....

  • One person from his party genuinely from and representing his state

  • Another person from his oarty he has helped make laws to aid in getting them reelected

Libertarians are just conservatives without the religion and/or who smoke weed. They hide behind the label because they agree with right-wingers but are too chicken-shit to admit it and can say "bUt I'm LiBeRtArIaN" when something heinous happens

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IIRC one of the Columbine survivors was a student during the Virginia Tech shooting...

I would hope this is eye opening to firefighters around the nation and absolutely vote for Harris.

Did you see it on TV?

Chris Rock solves gun crime

Make bullets cost $5000 a piece!

earnestly believed Trump would disband NATO.

TBF the orange turd has been very vocal about leaving NATO, which has been tied specifically to allowing Russia to invade Ukraine

I've seen an uptick of maga flags and even appeal to heaven flag. I wish there was an easy way to send these addresses somewhere to automatically sign them up for klan and legit Nazi paraphernalia and mailing lists...which sadly they're probably already on

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Republicans think that having an abortion is a decision full of hate and evil until their daughter wants one.

Until their daughter wants one, or their mistress wants one, or the person they raped wants one

Libertarians are repubs without the religion and/smoke weed


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because he doesn't know it's a lie and/or because he knows the bottom-feeders in his cult will believe as fact

There were theories that when RFK jr flipped they wanted him at the VP candidate hard, but they were already stuck with Vance. Conspiracy theory time...they're purposely tanking the already wildly unpopular Vance so it wouldn't seem like such a fickle move.

Infamous liberal

Adolf Hitler

So...half the conservative base agrees with a librul?

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Dear right-wing dipshits who like to use the name Genocide Joe. Your orange turd wanna be emperor is actively sabotaging ceasefires and potential peace of said-genocide just to make current administration look bad. Donnie Death

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All the problems going on in this nation and this planet yet their minds are hyper-fixated on the inside of children's pants...that's creepy as shit.

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A single felony conviction prevents you from getting a TON of jobs...

... but apparently 34 doesn't prevent you from being president

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She should've bounced right back about accepting his trans kid he seems to have distanced himself from

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What she really needs to do is start pushing some of the truths of P2025 and how they'll impact people who may lean right. Specifically hit labor groups and how it would ban Unions.

And it should also hit how much the orange turd hates the military with a big push about the Arlington fiasco, his VA cuts and what he's said specifically. Push that hard.

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"You don’t have to imagine what a Kamala Harris presidency would be, because you’re living through that nightmare right now. And it is a nightmare. It’s a nightmare. And you’re going to stop inflation, but we’re going to have a crash, and we’re going to have a crash like a 1929 crash if she gets in. You saw a gentleman yesterday who got up one of the top analysts in the world, frankly, and, said that if Trump is elected, he predicts and he’s predicting you have a stock market crash like 1929. He also said the only time and the only reason the stock market has gone up, even though it had some bad moments recently. But I think we’ll take, I think we’ll take a substantial lead,” Trump said.

Could someone please hit me in the head with a brick so I can dumb down myself enough to try and understand what he said?

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This is just another useless baseless tactic to

  1. Disrupt the start of the DNC
  2. Make "impeachment" seem so benign and common that that people won't care the next time a gopper is impeached for actual legit reasons

Maybe Harris should call for a drug test before the debate...much like he was screaming for one before Biden's

And sadly, large swaths of his base would just eat it up for tElLiNg It LiKe It Is or because they're mostly racist misogynists.

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One of those who quit-to-save-face when the orange turd incited an attempted coup? Color me shocked

Let both burn

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What a bunch of snowflakes.

Wrapping paper and bows/ribbons. THey're just gonna get torn up anyway, no reason to spent a ton of money to make it fancy

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Squirrely Dan: Allegedlys he fucks thems couches.

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1 illegal immigrant commits 1 crime


27th video this month of cops using unnecessarily excessive force which ends in death of innocent person and they did everything they coudl to cover it up

wElL iT's JuSt OnE bAd ApPlE

What a bunch of easily triggered snowflakes

One of those countries, as of March, was already in a losing war and the leader has already made vague threats to a nuclear option. Another country has been trying to get into a dick-measuring contest with world powers by using shows-of-force with long range missiles that happens to share a border with a country they've been kiiinda at war with for decades. Both aggressor countries are kiiinda aligned, or at least in league, with China, while the opposite countries are allied/aligned with the US.

This sounds like the kinda thing any rational leader would do.

Also, TIL Russia actually shares a border with N Korea.

Huh, and I thought he was jailed because of all the increasingly shady and illegal shit he did alongside the orange turd.

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Back from my IS analyst/reporting days...

Sends email asking for report. "Terminations from last year". I run it and send. The next day they reply...

Them: "are these from last calendar year or last fiscal year?"

Me: "Calendar"

Them: "I needed the last fiscal year"


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Ooh yeah send all of em over to Russia to align with their spiritual and moral values. Especially the ones who "I would've been locked out of the Marines during boot because I'd have punched the drill sergeant" types and see what happens when they get conscripted.