Trump Claims Stock Market Will ‘Crash’ While Fox News Ticker Shows Massive Market Gains On Screen

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 623 points –
Trump Claims Stock Market Will ‘Crash’ While Fox News Ticker Shows Massive Market Gains On Screen

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"You don’t have to imagine what a Kamala Harris presidency would be, because you’re living through that nightmare right now. And it is a nightmare. It’s a nightmare. And you’re going to stop inflation, but we’re going to have a crash, and we’re going to have a crash like a 1929 crash if she gets in. You saw a gentleman yesterday who got up one of the top analysts in the world, frankly, and, said that if Trump is elected, he predicts and he’s predicting you have a stock market crash like 1929. He also said the only time and the only reason the stock market has gone up, even though it had some bad moments recently. But I think we’ll take, I think we’ll take a substantial lead,” Trump said.

Could someone please hit me in the head with a brick so I can dumb down myself enough to try and understand what he said?

Sounds like what he actually said is that the market would crash if he got elected again...? Presumably he meant the opposite.

The man has never made much sense but this is absolute drivel.

Whoa I didn't know he knew the word "substantial". Add that to the list of 3-syllable words trump can use. Is this real?