Trump campaign criticizes Walz for state law providing tampons in schools to politics – 454 points –
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The law, which was passed in Minnesota last year, includes language requiring menstrual products to be available in bathrooms of all schools for grades 4 to 12 as a way to accommodate transgender students.

As part of their effort to portray Tim Walz, the new Democratic vice-presidential candidate, as a far-left liberal, the Trump campaign attacked the Minnesota governor on Tuesday for signing a bill last year that provides access to menstrual products for transgender students.

At issue is broadly inclusive language in the law, which states that products like pads, tampons and other products used for menstruation “must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12.” Republican state lawmakers in Minnesota had tried — and failed — to amend that bill so that it would apply only to “female restrooms,” though some Republicans went on to vote for the final version of bill.


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All the problems going on in this nation and this planet yet their minds are hyper-fixated on the inside of children's pants...that's creepy as shit.

Bunch of fucking weirdos. Constantly whining about government overreach yet they are all up in everyone's private parts, sexual orientation, and dictating how schools/parents/doctors should treat trans/intersex children as if these bunch of ignorant Trump cultists have any clue about the medical/mental needs of these children.

Pretty sure, we have a word for people who are fixated on children's genitals.