5 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 3 weeks ago

Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.

Open to reconsider my views in light of good-faith counter-arguments but also willing to defend what's right, even when it's unpopular. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.

These terms are usually used when talking about the dating scene and they originate from the movie Matrix where taking the blue pill means you'll stay blissfully ignorant where as red pill means seeing the harsh reality of the world. In dating contex this usually means the idea that women only want rich and high status men who are over 6 feet tall, muscular and have a huge dick and if you want a quality mate you need to achieve these things one way or another.

Black pill just takes this one step further. It's basically like going from determinism to fatalism meaning that since you didn't win the genetic lottery there's nothing you can do about it so just accept the fact that this is going to be your life untill you die.

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I'm glad they do as that's the only way I access those platforms. Same applies for twitter. Using an app means I can't block ads.

Nothing wrong with asking as long as you're also willing to accept no as an answer. If you're going to attack them for refusing, then it wasn't really a question in the first place but rather a demand masked as one.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the correct community to ask this.

Depends on which definition you go by, I guess. I prefer the literal meaning of the word; involuntary celibate. A person who is celibate against their own will.

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I don't think that's fair. It's not just sex they are after; they want a relationship but are unable to get into one.

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Perfect, just in time to stop Russia from meddling with the 2016 election!

Great, now Putin will have absolutely no way whatsoever to spread his propaganda on Facebook!

I really struggle to see the point of these comments. It's a valid criticism to say it should've been done sooner or they should've done more, but doing something is better than doing nothing and also better late than never. So what are these commentors trying to achieve here other than applause and upvotes? This is one of the things my autistic brain has a hard time figuring out about social media. Is it just to say what's popular so people come and pat you on the back?

Well not really. Those are different things. Black pill is about how you think, while incel is about what you are.

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I think you're being a bit unfair there. These attitudes often stem from their inability to form relationships. The struggle came first, and the resentment followed. They aren’t without sex and relationships because they're inherently hateful people; rather, the hatred emerges from prolonged frustration and rejection.

In most cases, I believe the inability to get into relationships is less about character and more about factors like social awkwardness, lack of friends, poor hygiene, unfortunate genetics, spending too much time online or gaming, etc.

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Your typical incel is that quiet guy in school with bad skin, plain clothes, and oily hair, whose only friends were the other outcasts. Like everyone else, they just wanted a normal relationship with a normal woman. It's the repeated failure to form those relationships that leads to the resentment and anger we now see. They weren’t always like that. The bitterness and hatred is a coping mechanism for their situation, not the cause of it.

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Plumber here.

It's a closed circuit. When you're bleeding out air the pressure in the system drops. When there's no sufficient pressure the water wont reach the upper floors.

Under normal circumstances the system is bled of air once and then they add more water untill the optimal pressure is reached and that's it. You shouldn't need to bleed air or add water ever again. The fact that you keep bleeding it indicates that new air is introduced somehow. Usually this means there's a leak and someone keeps topping it up with fresh water which contains air that then need to be bled out again.

Alternatively the issue could also be non-plumbers like yourself who keep bleeding the radiators on their own and then the maintenance keeps adding more water and wondering why the pressure always drops again. In my part of the world it's forbidden for the residents to bleed their radiators for this very reason.

Also, the radiator lines are usually steel. The reason they don't rust is lack of oxygen. Now with constantly more water and thus air being added to the system the corrosion keeps on advancing.

There’s definitely value here, but sometimes it’s hard to justify because of the negatives that come with it.

I’m not sure if it’s always been like this (it probably has), or if I’ve just become more aware of it, but holy shit, people are mean and cynical. It really poisons my mind to spend time around these kinds of attitudes, and I can only imagine how contagious it must be especially for younger users, spreading this 'mind virus' to more and more people. I can’t imagine people talking to each other in real life the way they often do in places like this.

What I find even more toxic than direct attacks on other users, though, is the constant ambient cynicism. There are certain topics where I can guarantee that at least 50% of the comments are snide remarks dunking on AI, Twitter, Tesla, Musk, etc. These comments add zero value to the discussion. They’re written solely to signal alliance to like-minded people and fish for upvotes.

I just want a place where I can hang out with civilized adults and have meaningful discussions about substantive topics, instead of being surrounded by angry, hateful, cynical kids who seem more interested in pointing out the flaws in everything and tearing things down rather than discussing solutions.

The agents likely only have pistols on them and those get inaccurate real quick as the distance to the target increases.

My motivation here is only to probe on what other people really think of when using that word, so that I know what they really mean by it

That makes sense. In my mind the definition never really evolved as I tend to take words literally and think of it more as a category, like "red heads" rather than as an ideological group. I guess that would technically make them a subgroup of incels.

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I asked chatGPT to extract the question from that as I struggled to pinpoint it myself. I'll put it here as I'm probably not the only one wondering. So it seems like what OP is asking is (correct me if I'm wrong):

How do you adjust or change your beliefs (about capitalism, communism, libertarianism, or other ideologies) to deal with the fact that some people or countries naturally have more advantages than others?

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I wore a beanie this morning as it was quite chilly outside.

Yesterday I wore a helmet while riding my bike. Not sure if that counts as a hat.

I'm sure that's true in some cases, but I wouldn't generalize it as the explanation for most incel's situations that they simply had too unrealistic standards

Were I complaining?

By have to I mean obligations. You've got a meeting at noon, you have to be there. You may not want to, but you have to.

By want I mean every other voluntary action. You're thirsty and you open the fridge. There's milk, water and orange juice. Say you grab the orange juice. You did that because you wanted it. To say that you could have chosen milk or water isn't true. You didn't want those, you wanted orange juice. If you rewind the clock and open the fridge again you'd still want the orange juice. In that moment you can't do other than what you want. You can't choose to not want it. It may be than in a few years you no longer like orange juice so in thay sense your wants may change but then and there in that moment you can't act against it.

Even if you decide against your preferences to prove a point you'd still be acting according to your wants; you want to prove me wrong and thus you grab the water. That's still doing what you wanted to do.

For the money you save by not doing the oil change you can probably afford a new mower every 10 years or so.

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That's what expansion tanks are for. There shouldn't be any air in the system itself.

They would need to be force feeding me conservative content in order for me to be able to answer the question. They're not and never have been. Same applies to ads.

People don't do stuff they don't want to to because they couldn't think of anything better to do. If you decide to just stay in and lay in bed because you couldn't think of anything better to do then laying in bed is what you preferred to do above everything else, otherwise you'd be doing something else.

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No, I disagree. I didn't choose not to start smoking. I simply never developed the desire to start. It's not something I decided against my natural preferences.

It's besides the point anyway. Even if I could choose to do or not do something it would still be about what I want which aligns with the title of the post.

You can't do something you don't want unless someone makes you do it. Even if you do something like go to the gym despite not wanting there's a greater want behind it that's pushing you to do it. In this case getting healthy and fit. This means you do want to go to the gym, you just don't like it.

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Yeah, I wanted to be the kind of person that drinks coffee like everyone else around me back then. I didn't choose that want. That desire was imposed on me from the outside.

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The argument in the title is essentially an argument against free will. Involuntary actions are outside of your control and are thus for evidence of free will. Stubbing your toe is not something you chose to do. It's a thing that happened to you.

Feeling you can and actually being able to do so are different thing.

I'm not saying your tastes can't change; I didn't use to like the taste of coffee but now I do. I however didn't choose to start liking it. My taste simply evolved over time. Now I couldn't choose to not like it.

What do you feel like you have the ability to change your preference about then?

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So you realized it's not good for you and you wanted to change the habit. That perfectly aligns with the title of the post.

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That doesn't imply any kind of freedom either. It's what you wanted to do wether consciously or not.

Maybe they should be called far-incels

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You didn't just choose to not like them, though. That's not how human psychology works.

Either you have to or you want to.

Having a phobia is not something people chose to have, so no freedom there. If a person is afraid of spiders they then want to avoid them at all costs. That aligns with the statement in the title.

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She lives in a rowhouse with a tiny yard without a single tree on it. Maybe she need it for something else - or someone.

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Not very - it doesn't need to be. Sharpened and re-profiled it with a 80 grit flap disc on angle grinder and took it to polishing wheel + leather strop. The shine is just for the looks.

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How many corn dogs do you think were in the training data?

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That's mostly why I polished it, though we might be thinking of different contaminants

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Yeah, edge that sharp serves no purpose on axe. It'll bend and then be dull again. Shallower point with the burr removed is more durable and stays sharp(ish) for much longer.

Not even close. That level of sharpness would only matter on axe if you intend to use it as a weapon. Chopping wood with edge like that would just bend it and make it dull prematurely.

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It may not be capable of truly understanding anything, but it sure seems to do a better job of it than the vast majority of people I talk to online. I might spend 45 minutes carefully typing out a message explaining my view, only for the other person to completely miss every point I made. With ChatGPT, though, I can speak in broken English, and it’ll repeat back the point I was trying to make much more clearly than I could ever have done myself.

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I was dunking this into water between the heavy grinding. Heat is the enemy there.

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