When was the last time I changed the oil in my mower?

SolidGrue@lemmy.world to Showerthoughts@lemmy.world – 157 points –

Now that I think about it, it was probably before the pandemic. 🤔


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For the money you save by not doing the oil change you can probably afford a new mower every 10 years or so.

How often were you changing the oil in your mower? I own an electric lawnmower now, but before that I just changed the oil once at the beginning of each mowing season.

I only changed it once with the extra can I bought with the mower but never since. I'd imagine it easily costing somewhere around 20 to 30 euros a year so that'll pretty much cover a new mower every 10 years.

Lawnmowers only take about 16oz of oil and you can buy 5qts(160oz) for $23 here in the states. So that $23 would last 10 years of oil changes if you replace it once per season like I did.

Not sure what that would cost you in Europe. So maybe that's where the disconnect is.

This is my strategy. I've never done any maintenance on any of my mowers except for sharpening the blade, and they still run for around 10 years.