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Joined 9 months ago

Peanut butter smells bad. Peanut butter smells like mouse traps.

No one else could set them (disabled, or cried about it) so it was all on me

Can't stand the smell of peanut butter now

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When I was in high school, I sat down at the lunch table with entirely new people. We get to taking and learning about one another. Topic turns to religion. I'm Jewish. I say as such.

One of the girls looks at me, thoughtfully.

"You don't have horns like they said you would"

I'm baffled. I'm almost 14 and had only read about people thinking jews had horns in like, old storybooks.

The test of the lunch table fucking goes off on her.

She's still thinking. "Guess they lied about jews drinking babies blood then?"

I'm stunned. Blood libel? In 2001??????

She was a good kid though. Realized it was lies and changed her world view right then. But still. It's just. Still happening? It sucks.

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I don't look very Jewish, or so the girl at the table said, so guess I'm lucky there?

Later on (years later) had a fundamentalist Christian at work tell me it was good I'm Jewish because we need to go to Israel to finish the book. (This was awhile ago and exact wording didn't stick as I was busy working)

She didn't like it when I said I'm never moving there. Guess it fucks with gods plans if my stupid ass stays in America my entire life.

Maybe They should have planned around that lmao

"Hand in unlovable hand" really hits sometimes!

Fleas are annoying. When my cats got them bad or was weeks of cleaning all the "soft fabricy things", vacuuming, and flea baths.

Now is down to just a dose of advantage flea medicine on the back of her neck once a month (and still washing a lot, but she's much better now)

I can only recommend advantage for the flea medicine in the back of neck. We tried a cheaper off brand and she was very sick. Vet said it can happen, so I went back to the only one that she tolerates well.

Kitties must stay inside to be safe, also to make it easier for me personally to find them and give them kissies on their little soft heads.

I shared a bedroom with my twin, so no audio. I prefer the sound of the AC on over off though, lovely background sound of nothingness.

Stardew Valley just got a huge update recently, I don't find it that surprising! It's a great update.

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Astarion from BG3. I can understand why people like him. I personally do not and generally never used him in the party because I didn't want to hear him be annoyed yet again I was helping people.

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Something similar happened to my husband about 20 years ago. He has ssdi, and can only work a certain amount of hours a month. He tried one month to see if he could do full time work. Nope, impossible.

And so gets kicked off ssdi, and had to fight to get back on it. And they charged him for being on deducting the money he now 'owed' them from the new ssdi. It was stupid.

The laws in place are also why my husband is husband in name only. If we ever actually got married, goodbye everything keeping him alive! It sucks.

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For the more "masculine" ones, say video games and roleplaying games, really wish guys were less fucking rude to me or even just ignoring me. Or also lovely is me suggesting an idea, ignoring me, then agreeing when someone else takes it and suggests it.

Some people online are oddly hostile about American recipes using cups/tablespoons? I do a lot of baking, so much I do have a scale, but that's extremely uncommon here. Most cup recipes are fine. Even weighed recipes need tweaking sometimes.

Knitting is a solo hobby because oh man old ladies can be really weird about what yarn you use or needles you use or even why you're knitting so young. I was 30 when they were saying this. Sure, younger than them but???

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Toad-in-the-hole! Maybe. We only ever had them like once, scrambled eggs were far more common.

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Went to the zoo while high.

Sibling wanted to go to the zoo, so we rented an electric cart for my husband and the three of us went out. I decided as weed is legal here to do that as well

Turns out physical activity sucks less when high and there's animals to look at also

Butter. I churned some once and no. Never again. Also ice cream, for similar reasons. And because we have some ice cream here that's very nice.

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I bounced off Dwarf Fortress a lot over the years, even with the packs to help. Eventually I got the hang of Adventurer Mode and quite enjoyed it! Now I'm just waiting for that mode on the steam version!

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The creator is also currently the guy behind the Popeye comics, the Sunday newspaper ones!

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A Christmas Story! It always runs 24/7 on some channel come the holidays. It's also just one of my favorite movies. Nothing overstays, all the actors are great, the little daydream scenes, I love it all.

I'm so happy there is a chickenpox vaccine! I was at the edge of that, getting it before it was available. It was hell.

It was more hell for my mother who had never gotten chickenpox as a child. So had it as an adult. Agony! And have to deal with sick twins!

Most hospitals will remove the cost entirely if you are uninsured and make under a certain amount.

Example. My husband recently (...okay, 2 years ago, but the passage of time hurts) had to go to the hospital, and be admitted for, an infected insect bite. No cost on admittance. Had to stay a few days to be on ivs.

Over the course of the next few months we get the bills. Which we can't pay. But we have the number for the part of the hospital that can lower the costs.

We give them all the information, then wait.

One day a lady drives up to our place, hands my husband a piece of paper saying he owes the hospital nothing, then leaves. It was surreal.

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He can get married. To another "adult disabled since childhood" which I'm not. Otherwise he loses ssdi and medicare/medicaid. I'd have to support him yes, which I can't right now.

Bed bugs are a horrible menace. My husband had to deal with them in the 90s, and it took removing himself, the cats, and then bug bombing the house several times with a professional to remove them. He's still anxious about the thought of them coming back, and it's been...since the 90s.

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All the hair styles but only modern hair styles! And very few head coverings!

Edge of teacup, then into teacup to check for blood or shells.

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I had no mask for my surgery. Maybe because it was removing wisdom teeth.

My surgery was then starting liquid in my arm. I'm wheeled to the surgery room where three nurses are setting things up.

They see I'm nervous. "Don't worry! Doctor X is very good," she pauses. "We do call him the velociraptor though."


"Because he has short arms!"

"That's mean!" I say.

They laugh. "You won't remember, it's fine."

"I'll remember!" I try and say, but my mouth is full of gauze and I'm in a very different room.

No sense of passage of time. In surgery, then in recovery. Hated that.

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I read the first novel because I worked at a bookstore when the 4th was coming out and we were going to do a midnight release.

It was...okay? Most of the writing was just very boring. Not offensive or bad, just very average.

I really liked the use of empty chapters to denote the passage of time when she felt empty. Always love it.

I suppose the anti cat gate. Got it because new kitten wasn't getting along with adult cat. Kitten continued to not get along despite doing everything and asking the vet for more advice.

Kitten is with my mother and her cats and he gets along with both of them.

The anti cat gate stands there, expensively.

This is very silly, I love it!

Overall? Personally? Very bad.

Right now? I just had some shortbread with a jar of strawberry honey butter, so I'm okay.

Ohhh, Chick Tracts. Fun times, I recognized the style right away too!

I've seen them in person twice. Once a neighbor gave us one in a plastic bag with other Jesus-y stuff. And the second time I found an entire stack of them at the gyno's office

I stole all of them. Amazing. Horrible things, I love how batshit they are lmao

I sent an email thanking them for making Sid Meier's Pirates! and they sent an email back thanking me for my interest and that no new game was planned. Which...wasn't my email, but still very sad!

Do I have a profile picture? I see no pictures on the app I'm using inside the threads themselves. I think I have one. A lot of people don't customize things at all.

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The times I got the most cat calls and people in cars harassing me was when I was extremely, clearly, underaged. Now I'm much older and fatter and invisible. I fucking hate being looked upon by anyone though. Let me become data inside a small spikey robot ball.

I do a lot of baking, but even then it only happens once a year, if that. I still don't want to have to throw out an entire batch of food because I cracked a bad egg into it instead of into a tea cup first.

I've seen a dead dog once here in NJ. I've seen more cats and deer though. Usually animals get cleaned up very quickly though. It's not that the roads aren't killing them, cleanup crews are very quick.

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The British show Taskmaster! One of the only hyperfixations my sibling has that finally wiggled into my brain. Now I've been binging it. It's quite funny! Love that the seasons have had new people for new insanity!

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It's not as bad when it's started with like, "I agree with x" or "What if we did what x said but with " or something, sure. They usually don't though, almost never. And then everyone at the table acts as if the person who said it came up with it and it's infuriating.

Edit - I might not be clear. The person suggesting the idea I had is generally not boosting it so it's heard, they are generally acting as if they came up with it, and then everyone suddenly realizes it's a good idea coming from a guy instead. When it's someone realizing the idea wasn't heard, they usually don't do that.

Seems bad for me, being a twin.

Or bad for my twin

I forget which of us is evil currently

Raviolis were worth it when I was making a huge huge amount and then freezing bags of them. Then over the course of months could just eat them whenever! For a single meal? No, terrible

Local gaming store. I joined one of the tabletop rpgs. We talked a lot after this. He had cats which endeared me to him. I met his cats. His cats liked me. He also had a trashcan in the bathroom so I knew he was smart. We've been together uhhhh 17 years this December I think.

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On steam, properties, then beta, then the public test branch beta, if I'm remembering the order right