If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?

aeharding@vger.social to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 157 points –
  1. Fitted sheet must have label on bottom right seam
  2. Salted butter wrapping text must be red. Unsalted blue.

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stand on the right of the escalator, walk on the left, or go to fucking jail

(reversed in countries where they drive on the left)

also no single wide escalators. (MTA, cut that shit out!)

Usually not reversed anywhere because most people are right-handed.

There's generally higher throughout if people just stand on both sides.

Noted exceptions being if it's not a massive bolus of people trying to leave or also if the walk side is fully saturated with walkers.

There’s generally higher throughout if people just stand on both sides.

Throughput isn't everything though, for instance in train stations some people hurry for a connection, I would say let the latency sensitive ones bypass the others, except in situation where there is a concrete throughput issue.