11 Post – 281 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I like how they try to sell the idea that tricking users is in fact a nice and innovative way to advertise

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Fake nature is the pinnacle of capitalism. Yes I include China

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If only all these tracking functions were easy to deactivate (or better, opt-in) then there would not be a need for jammers

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What does it take to drop the word Terrorists?

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Who would have thought that an artificial intelligence trained on human intelligence would be just as dumb

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Enshittification everywhere. Selfhosting forever

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So... People are actually using the term "prompt engineer"...

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I am sure they meant "thanks to"?

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“I would invest 20 seconds for each target at this stage, and do dozens of them every day. I had zero added-value as a human, apart from being a stamp of approval. It saved a lot of time.”

“Because we usually carried out the attacks with dumb bombs, and that meant literally dropping the whole house on its occupants. But even if an attack is averted, you don’t care – you immediately move on to the next target. Because of the system, the targets never end. You have another 36,000 waiting.”

Are we still supposed to believe that the pursuit of AI development is for the good of Humanity?

Fuck you Google for opening Nimbus to the IDF, via a contract that contains a clause saying that you can't break it whatever the reason. Fucking moronic disgrace to humanity all you bunch

sudo mount --bind /linus2 /linus

I read yesterday that a study found out that 25% of webpages generated in 2013-2023 are gone forever. Attacking the internet archive maybe has darker motives such as censorship or plainly wanting to erase inconvenient history

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Thank God there is trickle down economics. We will all benefit in the end... Right?

Brings back memories of dehumanised people, that of all the people in the world, Israelis were expected to never want to see again the most

When all people are cared for, no one turns bigot. This becomes a vertuous circle. "Simple as that". Meanwhile France worked hard to release the kraken

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Could someone eli5 risc-v and why the fuss?

Edit: thanks for the replies. Searchingnfurther, this 15 min video is quite well made and told me more than I need to know (for now)

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14 billions for Israel, 100 millions for Palestine... That's a 140 ratio. Who's the distressed population Joe?

AI be like : white hand on black skin? Insufficient data in training material

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This is 1984 dystopia level

Tobacco tax revenue is the best example of accepting a price on lives lost

Here's an idea: make them wear a yellow crescent on their clothes, so you know who they are

He provoked them because of what he was wearing? He wanted this I guess

Still very far from US shitshow. I mean Trump could be back what the actual fuck

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Why won't you leave Joe alone? He already pretended to care what else do you want. And don't you dare threaten to not vote for him

Not a taboo at all. We're not going to say it, but not a taboo

Oh so you're part of that group that defends people?

Farmers protested all over Europe recently and got what they wanted, which is to get rid of latest environmental regulations (that would have enforced an end of subsidies on diesel, reduction of nitrates use in fertilisers etc).

They already got what they wanted, suspended funding for UNRWA. Now they can blissfully ignore calls for evidence. In 6 years they will say that a trainee misread a paper lying in a printer

Transparency for themselves would do as much good as the one they dream of having from the government. But no, instead they go on a witch hunt. I hope the guild does not let that go gently

When he was still on shitter, I replied to him "shut up" six times in one hour. My account has been restricted ever since (I can't post). I stopped using it anyway, probably I should delete it

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Your approach is defeating your purpose. Muricans would be loud and outspoken so everyone around knows

So even their diplomatic retaliation screams Apartheid

Too big to fail is for once not for a big corporation or bank

Here's an idea? Let the Chinese government administer Gaza! They have experience reeducting Muslims right? Then all Gazaouis muslims will become Jewish, Christian, atheist, you name it! Possibilities are endless.

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They should do the same kind of videos of settlers taking Koreans' homes and land, and a blockade of Seoul. You know to "help South Koreans in East Asia, far away from our pseudo democracy, understand how we operate there."

Israeli forces are currently in central Rafah, in Gaza's south, but earlier this week the White House said the IDF had not crossed any red lines set by Biden

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Didn't you HAVE to build a fucking pier?

This! Thank you, this allowed me to find the culprit! It turns out I had an external disk failure some weeks ago, and a cron rsync job was writing in /mnt/thatdrive. When the externaldrive died rsync created a folder /mnt/thatdrive. Now that I replaced the drive, /mnt was disregarded by the disk analyser, but the folder was still there and indeed hidden by the mount... It is just a coincidence that it was half the size of /


du -hs /mnt/rootonly/* 0 /mnt/rootonly/bin 275M /mnt/rootonly/boot 12K /mnt/rootonly/dev 28M /mnt/rootonly/etc 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/home 0 /mnt/rootonly/initrd.img 0 /mnt/rootonly/initrd.img.old 0 /mnt/rootonly/lib 0 /mnt/rootonly/lib32 0 /mnt/rootonly/lib64 0 /mnt/rootonly/libx32 16K /mnt/rootonly/lost+found 24K /mnt/rootonly/media 30G /mnt/rootonly/mnt 773M /mnt/rootonly/opt 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/proc 113M /mnt/rootonly/root 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/run 0 /mnt/rootonly/sbin 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/srv 4.0K /mnt/rootonly/sys 272K /mnt/rootonly/tmp 12G /mnt/rootonly/usr 14G /mnt/rootonly/var 0 /mnt/rootonly/vmlinuz 0 /mnt/rootonly/vmlinuz.old

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Soon they'll have a very original idea to win their righteous war, an idea they'll call the final solution

Someone to read your prompt

Someone who cares