List of 2FA enabled services/websites? to – 18 points –

Is there someone somewhere curating a list of websites/apps/services that propose 2FA?

I have only a handful configured in my authenticator, mostly when such services proactively propose to the user to activate 2FA.

I would like to have more, but digging in security parameters to find out is not very productive, especially since these parameters are often named a bit differently, or buried in varying submenus.

An online search mostly proposes comparison of 2FA auth apps.

Is it available for lemmy by the way?


Gotta love that most banks on there don't support TOTP or hardware keys. I wish SMS 2fa wasn't considered.

My bank at least support 2FA through it's own app, better than nothing I suppose..

Agreed on the SMS as 2FA. Transportation is a particularly awful category in the US.