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Joined 5 months ago

Someone helped him carry it after he collapsed a few times.

Classic BlueMAGA play

I'll take the woosh. We'll played.

Chicago style

Stapling a survival crafter to a bad pokemon knockoff is not my idea of "fresh mechanics".

Skill issue.

Check the deals tab on the website, you could have gotten a medium and cheesy bread for at least $10 less that what you paid for this.

Don't blame the restaurant when you won't even try to save money.

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Death penalty is too expensive. Just put them in Genpop and let everyone know what they did and then look away while Nature takes its course.

They're just pointing out that history is repeating itself because we learned nothing from 2008

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These graphs could be used to justify ripping someone's head off.

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By your reading comprehension and lack of emotional regulation, I'm guessing you are or were a Marine.

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Erections are a biological response to stimulus, desire is not required.

For example a man could be overpowered, tied-up, and teased manually until erect. This is only one possibility but there are many other ways

Also penetration doesn't need to happen for it to still be considered rape.

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Buddy, I'm not the one writing scores of angry paragraphs because someone said something bad about a soldier.

Get therapy (if the VA will answer your calls) or you'll keep embarrassing yourself like this.

What if you interact?

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Or just use the website that has the exact same deals. You may have to click the mouse two more times and I know that can be difficult for people sometimes when they just want to be mad.

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Yeah, I had initially thought there was a nationwide standard and am finding out that there isn't.

Except Palworld isn't what you described. It's "build a base and capture mons and people to out to work at your base so you can climb the tech tree and build guns to fight the boss mons".

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Yellow Gatorade is also great for a sore throat.

Businesses will sell whatever information you give them permission to sell. Don't use your main email for rewards accounts or free trials if you're concerned about having it sold to spammers.

Musk leaving would probably help Tesla's share price

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You're blaming her for being murdered by saying she should have married a "good man".

That's pure unadulterated incel shit.

Blame the killer, and the police who enabled him, not the victim.

As someone who doesn't play games from AAA studios or Early-Access games, I don't really experience any of these problems.

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It gets better: check out The Hague Invasion Act.

Long story short congress has given blanket authority to any US president to rescue any American or allied personnel from ICC imprisonment by any means necessary.

Netanyahu could qualify as allied personnel.

The US could invade the Netherlands to free Netanyahu from the ICC without any sort of debate.

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They've certainly gotten more hostile to mods since the M$ acquisition. At least mods that don't want to play ball with the creation club nonsense.

A liberal believes capitalism is broken and needs to be fixed.

A socialist believes capitalism is working as intended and needs to be destroyed.

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So you're saying an English class shouldn't study modern usages of the language and only read older pieces that are considered "important" by an unspecified metric? Sounds totally reasonable

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I was actually assuming the opposite, because if the AI won they'd want to brag about it.

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I guarantee you the ar-15 owner is a Fox News watcher. It would explain his paranoia and fear of strangers.

Then you congratulate yourself for dodging a bullet and focus your efforts on people who don't play those kinds of games.

Someone who sends a text like that is also the sort of person to "forget" their birth control or lie about std test results. So yeah maybe you got your dick wet, but now you're paying for child support and syphilis medication.

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Poor Howard Dean, we could use that enthusiasm now.

Yeah, he's fair game now. He could have been like that one Trump daughter whose name I forget because she's entirely out of the spotlight, but no, he wants to join the family grift.

He'd play the tape at campaign events just to rile them up.

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Not in socks

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Me, who was adopted as a child: "Oh they forgot about adoption again. I'm shocked."

AirBnB landlords are even worse than traditional landlords (although there's a lot of crossover between the two) because the overly high rates they charge for short-term leases are increasing the prices of long-term leases as well.


I appreciate that you used the correct brand of drink mix rather than continuing the Kool-aid slander.

A shame that the article doesn't name and shame which Republicans walked out. I get that it's harder to tell who booed (apparently a lot of them), but it shouldn't be that hard to tell which ones left.

Not having every aspect of their lives and identities stripped of meaning, repackaged, and sold back to them in ever shittier forms.

Traditionally you had to wait like a century as well.

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How about you try, right here and now?

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