
2 Post – 528 Comments
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HR exists to protect the company. The people who protect you is your union. If your workplace does not have a union, be aware that is a solvable problem.

I wonder what Neil DEGAUSS Tyson would look like.

🫵 found

Whatever Tiktok is doing, the correct response is to write enforcable laws to prevent ANY company from doing what Tiktok is doing.

This is bad governance.

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If enforcement of federal laws does not cause a "material adverse impact" the penalty is far too low.

American sign language is not a gesture based form of English. It is an entire language in its own right, with its own distinct grammar and vocabulary.

To someone deaf from birth, sign language is their native language. And it is much more comfortable to quickly read your native language than a second language.

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The issue is not that the parts aren't titanium, its that there isn't a paper trail documenting the titanium.

This is an issue, because improperly forged titanium can have issues that makes it unsuitably weak for its intended purpose. Having documentation showing where the materials came from, when it was inspected for defects and when it was manufactured is critical for safety.

United flight 232 had an engine explode in part due to defective titanium. This is a real safety concern.

Though the headline says boeing, the article mentions these undocumented parts being found in airbus planes as well. Its an industry problem, not a Boeing specific one.

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whether a game is "dead" or not only really matters for online games with matchmaking. If a game requires a large playerbase to function, like an MMO or a matchmaking based competitive game, the game can die. This doesn't apply to single player or small scale coop games.

Anyone will get the full single player game experience even if they are the only one playing. If the game has multiplayer, like coop or vs play where the expectation is that you will find the person who you will play with, the game cannot die.

Calling palworld a dead game is just as nonsensical as calling starfield dead because of a lower playercount. It literally doesn't matter for this kind of game.

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Strange way to frame it. It sounds to me like businesses are saving $800 billion in unnessicary expenses.

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Tim Cain worked on the original fallouts, fallout 1 and 2. He has not been credited in the series since. The fallout series has passed through the hands of many others, who may have included a critique of capitalism as a theme.

If you're interested in Tim Cain's ideas on capitalism, he was the director of the outer worlds, which is far more focused on capitalism much more directly than fallout ever was.

google's android camera app is designed to open google's gallery app. Google built an OS that has support for user selected app launching. They built a system that lets an app request the user's preferred gallery app to view photos, but then chose to not use it to force anyone using google's camera to also use their photos app. fuck google

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AM is used for traffic advisory and weather conditions by state dots. A car without an AM radio cannot receive those safety critical broadcasts. An AM radio should be required equipment on every vehicle.

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Holy shit. I thought being trans only gave you an air dash.

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CG artists use available assets to finish project on time, within budget. Don't trust any computer generated speculative graphics to be accurate in any way. Some artists are just filing in the blanks to get the thing done.

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SpaceX, Amazon, and Trader Joes are not mentioned in the constitution, so they should all be despanded as they are unconstitutional.

Strikes are caused by management. If the studios bargained in good faith there would be no strike. The studios could have agreed to the workers demands during initial negotiations, but instead they chose to put people out by dragging their feet for 10 months.

Every strike can be averted by bargaining in good faith, and making reasonable concessions in a timely fashion.

Minecraft got in trouble when the Afrikaans translation had the n-word (in English) due to a malicious translator. CDPR had an issue with the Ukrainian translation making references to the ongoing war.

This sort of thing happens somewhat frequently. It's the same reason how fake sign language interpreters can hold positions. It's hard to verify the accuracy of a translation in a language you don't speak. They have to trust that the translator did their job right.

Translations are usually just text strings. No reasonable project would allow translators to write code.

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They are not supporting hamas. The US government is supporting the terrorist organization of the IDF. This is why they are protesting you dunce.

This article lacks some context. Miłogost Reczek was the voice actor for the Polish language of the game. If you played the English version of the game you would have heard the very much alive Michael Gregory as Victor Vektor.

Many commenters here are discussing the writer's and actors strikes that are in the news. Those are American unions, they have no bearing on the work of Polish voice actors who do localization work.

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The problem is not presidential immunity. The problem is immunity and the president is just the highest profile job that has it. Politicians never do anything about the root cause, and only treat the symptoms.

Police officers get away with murder because their job gives them immunity. Ceos, shareholders and other corporate staff have immunity as well.

A president getting away with assassinating a political rival is just as unjust as letting a ceo get away with killing 346 people simply because their job gives them immunity for their actions.

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This feels like a corporation complying with their obligations under the DMCA.

To maintain their safe harbor status, companies have to remove allegedly infringing content in response to a properly filed takedown notice. This does include links stored in google's search results. This is what a company like google has to do when storing user data on servers in any country that signed the WIPO Copyright Treaty.

They don't seem to be doing this in a malicious way. They have done their duty and removed the offending links from their service. But they quite kindly chose to notify the user by email, including the exact URL that was removed. The user can store that link elsewhere.

It would have been far easier to remove the link silently.

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Did you read the article? The bill bans tiktok for being foreign. There is nothing in this article that describes a bill that outlaws any practices, conventions, or actions that tiktok has done.

Being afraid of foreigners for being foreign is not effective regulation.

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Two delta planes collided on the tarmac, but they call the smaller plane an endavor plane so they can pay the pilots less.

50% vacancy tax. Any property that is vacant for more than 50% of the year would require the owner to pay 50% of the assessed value, unless they can prove there is zero demand for the property at any price.

Would solve the problem very quickly. It's a fair, equitable, market driven solution to the problem of real estate vacancies. But governments are much more concerned with maintaining the illusion of value, than effective land use.

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This is another article that claimed a jet engine burst into flames, when all that happened was an engine surge. The engine didn't catch fire, the engine did the jet version of a backfire, and only once during the takeoff roll.

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If this economy is healthy you're using bad metrics.

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Open is not a regulated term. Any company can call themselves open regardless of their actions.

OpenAI is the most apt example as both GPT-4 and Dalle 3 are proprietary closed source software, despite their name.

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It's the practice of preventing you from even using genuine parts. If you buy two identical iPhones, you can't even use parts from one to repair the other. The one phone won't accept the genuine part from the other because it's not paired to that phone by the manufacturer's proprietary tool.

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Cereal is expensive. This is bad advice even without considering the conflict of interest or the fact this man is a tool.

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The boobies might be next we need to stop emitting carbon immediately.

Stock traders who do not have any information about nintendo's plans beyond the rumors in the press have sold shares in response to rumors in the press about the switch 2.

nothing is confirmed until something is confirmed

According to the article, they didn't renew 14,180 house policies, the article also links to another article where 72,000 policies were not renewed. 86,180 uninsurable houses are awknoladged by the article.

But, california has 13 million households. This means that 7 tenths of a percent of calofornia's houses became uninsurable this year.

Insurance companies choosing to not insure a tiny fraction of the most at risk houses is not them "pulling out of California's troubled homeowners insurance market" (sic) nor is it an "exodus."

This article has some major spin, and greatly overstates the importance of what's happening. They mention a big number of houses without context, to try and convince you this is a deeply concerning thing. Unless you own one of the forest houses in question, this isn't abig deal.

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What am I looking at? Should I conclude that Cybertruck is a bad off-road vehicle, or that sand is an unsuitable surface for driving, or both?

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So are they going to have to pay it back or did the FTC make a report for nothing?

We should instead be using AI to decimate the CEO industry.

Pilots perform an inspection of the aircraft before every flight. Missing fasteners on the top of the wing would not be visible during a walkaround from the ground.

Planes are allowed to fly with many parts missing. A few missing fasteners on a non structural part is fine, but missing fasteners that the pilots are unaware of is a big issue.

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Redneck, or pirate, or leet speak language options are there to let developers test the translations without them having to be bilingual.

All auto manufacturers put spyware in their cars now. This isn't a china problem, this is an everyone problem. We need anti-spyware laws that apply to everyone.

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You have the right to kill in self defense. Many countries consider self defense from a credible threat to be just cause to kill someone.

Even those countries that don't permit their citizens to use lethal force in self defense are hypocrites, because they will have an army and some branch of armed law enforcement.

Trans people are much more likely to be murdered than cis people. Being armed to mitigate that risk is a not an unreasonable decision. In the US, if a transphobe poses an imminent threat to your life you DO have a legal right to kill them, in most states, laws do vary.

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Biologically it is a twitter and nothing can change that.