OpenAI went back on a promise to make key documents public to – 165 points –
OpenAI went back on a promise to make key documents public

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Open is not a regulated term. Any company can call themselves open regardless of their actions.

OpenAI is the most apt example as both GPT-4 and Dalle 3 are proprietary closed source software, despite their name.

Henceforth I will refer to OpenAI as ClosedAI.

I'll do an Erran Morad and call it Open Not OpenAI.

OpenAI used to be a non-profit until 2019, so they had no objection for releasing what they made. But investors tend not to look too kindly at giving your secrets away for free. It's rather hard to get people to pay ridiculous API and licensing fees if all they have to do to get it for free is to make their own fork.