
1 Post – 218 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Cold turkey.

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Maybe this will finally convince the world to move to Linux Mint

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Video beamed. Video intercepted by aliens. Think cats rule earth.

They're right.

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Video for those that'd like to see it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfDV\_bTCGUw

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Unfortunately someone snuck someone from HP into Brother's executive chain. They're starting the fuckery now too.

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I think they remember doing it when they were puppies xD.

Of course I can fit. duh

I love how they blame Unity's shortfall on acquisitions, but make no argument whatsoever that perhaps acquisitions should be more carefully considered with regard to the bottom line.

"Let the plebs pay for it!"

So, they mad b/c of an internal skill issue.

I like this woman already. She walks the walk.

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I think what bothers me the most about the developer responses was that they sounded like Chat GPT.

Like you get past the first paragraph and you already know what the whole 4 more paragraphs is gonna say, just in a different way.

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It's more than that. TSMC expects American workers to operate under Asian expectations which is long hours for lower pay. They can't keep American workers b/c they just say no and work for the competition.

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It's real and it's happening everywhere.

insert thefuck?face.gif

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This is exactly it, but he foresees becoming some kind of political prisoner 'martyr for the cause' that will 'surely rally everyone behind him' for the election.

Unfortunately I'm not sure he's wrong.

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I've started telling people to prepare for the Mad Max times. Yeah it's hyperbole, but it actually makes them pause for half a second.

What's disturbing is the gleam in some alt-right people's eyes.

They don't. The message right now is to boycott Spotify.

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We already give ample support to Israel... and we've seen them recently trying to bully us if we don't support them against any and all boycotts due to their activities. https://www.congress.gov/116/bills/s1/BILLS-116s1pcs.pdf

They don't need more support than they're getting, especially at this price point.

So, this pretty much eliminates the need to go to hospitals for birth, yeah? I mean it sounds like they're just gonna let you die anyway. Time for a Doula revolution

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Yeah I just really can't fathom the Meta apologists right now. If that's the only way to bring a massive number of people to the fediverse I think I'd prefer we stay small.

Just like Reddit when it started! Build it and they will come! I don't need instant gratification...I need a rock solid community built on freedom from shareholder bootlicking.

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For those not in the mood to read, saved you a click but thank you for the link @jordanlund!

The history of impeachment in the United States is important to understanding the Bill Clinton saga. The Founding Fathers wrote impeachment—originally a Roman political institution—into the constitution for the purpose of removing an official who had “rendered himself obnoxious,” in the words of Benjamin Franklin. Without impeachment, Franklin argued, citizens’ only recourse was assassination, which would leave the political official “not only deprived of his life but of the opportunity of vindicating his character.”

It would be best, Franklin argued, “to provide the Constitution for the regular punishment of the Executive when his misconduct should deserve it, and for his honorable acquittal when he should be justly accused.”

The bottom line here is that if anyone manages to eliminate prosecution for acts performed while they are president, expect the Punisher. In fact, while I don't normally support violence, I'd have to say it's a patriot's duty.

When a corporation is willing to lose billions of dollars to capture an audience, effectively locking out any competition, and then counters any possible avenue to blocking their monopolistic stance, your first statement shouldn't be about choice, because there isn't one.

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Home Ownership and protecting the middle class used to be phrases so often uttered by the Republicans 40 years ago that I yawned.

I'm glad to see someone pick up the gauntlet. Boggles the mind that this hasn't become a huge political issue yet.

At the same time who cares more about their job, this guy or the guy who ran off to Cancun xD

Was gonna say, in Alabama you could give them a step by step guide and they'd take shortcuts.

Yes, there are other species that react negatively to hypoxic environments:


But the idea with using it on humans is that we don't react negatively. We don't even feel like we're suffocating, like with excessive CO2. Nitrogen is plentiful and is already being used for legal suicide elsewhere, which is why they're wanting to use it.

He adds: "CEOs and CFOs are looking at that lease or redecoration cost in their profit and loss statements and fixating on it as a bad financial decision that needs to be course-corrected — and in their minds, requiring people to use the space they're paying for is the best way to do that."

And then they lay off 25% of the workforce. The executive class's mindset resembles insanity.

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Bayer, you bought the poisoned pill. That's on you.

Now all the people in america who are already dying of this poison are looking to you for recompense.

Caveat emptor, right? Suck it.

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Henceforth I will refer to OpenAI as ClosedAI.

I suppose anyone that has any criticism whatsoever of Israel in any form is persona non grata these days.

The fact that Israel has put so much effort into changing US law to prevent anyone from claiming anything negative about Israel is a red flag that Israel needs negative things said.

I fully support the state of Israel and believe that the holocaust happened, and I will STILL call an asshat an asshat. Tough shit. Guess I'll cancel any vacation plans I ever planned in their country.

Will someone just tell this guy he's not cool?

My grandmother told me that if she could offer me one piece of advice it would be to stop worrying about the world, stop worrying about the future. If your thoughts are always there, they're never here and you just wake up one morning realizing how much time has disappeared.

She told me to just enjoy my life, every moment.

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What 'ruined' Christmas this year was having to go home and spend it with my parents, one of whom is bedridden and non responsive from Alzheimers. It's more akin to a wake where everyone is focused on someone who is dead and there's little joy to be had. I've been doing it now for 5 years and there's no sign that it will end soon.

It is incredibly stressful and morose. Christmas isn't really joyful anymore because Mom could die at any time. The worst part of it is that all of us recognize that she's suffering and so are we, but the government won't allow any other outcome.

Still, the family shows up and puts in the work for caring for her for many reasons, the least of which is that she raised us for almost 20 years. She was a wonderful person and she's owed that, bottom line. It is uplifting in a way because we come together and work together for a purpose and while it's hard and sad, we've bonded over it nonetheless.

But.. what kind of Christmas will we have once she's gone?

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Haha those are hornet's nests.

Someone stole $40 million of EA's money and didn't advertise another horrible cashgrab?

"I'm not even mad, I'm.. impressed!"

Honestly when I see shit like this I think of that old anti-drug commercial on tv. "This is your brain.... and this is your brain on money."

They did. The people were starving to death. The woman's complaint was that her friend had talked her into eating their sons... but to eat hers first. When the time came to eat the friend's she played clueless about his whereabouts. The king was understandably upset at the state of affairs.

Yo, Netflix! This one right here! Read it and understand plz

No man, credits to bulwark the insane rents people are charging will only cement the practice. Why does it take 3x your income to qualify to rent a place? Why haven't corporations and foreign investors been moved out of the single family home industry? Why hasn't a cap been put on Air Bnb and other short term rentals? How about changing the regulations to allow zoning changes which can allow more homes on existing lots?

The government, as usual, simply doesn't understand the problem! So frustrating.

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Mass Effect for sure. I miss my friends.... so I play every couple of years to say hi xD

Gaming is much better on Linux thanks to Steam, but having lots of problems with more recent games and their cursed launchers. I try and remember that Gen X had to figure all this stuff out with early versions of Windows and I should resurrect the same determination that got me through back then... but I'd be lying if I said it was easy.