
10 Post – 269 Comments
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And going forward, who decides what's an official vs. unofficial Presidential act?

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I talked to Japanese colleagues about this a lot. The issue isn't just plain old xenophobia. In a lot of cultures, when someone gets married, there are considerations about marrying 'the right kind' for the family. As silly as that might sound to U.S. 'melting pot' ears, these could be tribal, economic, linguistic, geographic, class, education, age, gender, and yes, race.

In traditional settings, the elders have to bless that marriage, welcome the person, and ideally have the families mesh together and be on the same page.

Inviting foreigners with vastly different backgrounds on almost all those axes, it's a pretty tall order to ask everyone to change those attitudes. And saying one family should close their eyes and do it for the sake of the country while their neighbors hold out for a 'suitable' match is going to be tough. The demographic 'time bomb' has been a known issue since the 80s and people are still resistant to change.

At some point, though, realities catch up.

My bet would be it would take a generational turnover and a few years of popular sitcoms normalizing it.

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Many years ago, folks figured out how to crack firmware and find embedded keys. Since then, there have been many technological advances, like secure enclaves, private/public key workflows, attestation systems, etc. to avoid this exact thing.

Hopefully, the Rabbit folks spec'd a hardware TPM or secure-enclave as part of their design, otherwise no amount of firmware updating or key rotation will help.

There's a well-established industry of Android crackers and this sort of beating will keep happening until morale improves.

Someone should build a little AI app that scrapes a job listing, then takes a resume and rewrites it in subtle ways to perfectly match the job description.

Let your AI duke it out with their AI.

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So, like teenagers learning to drive stick.

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Was just listening to the latest episode of Dot Social podcast where there was a discussion with CEO of Ghost (alternative to Substack). They're integrating ActivityPub into the platform, but where they're going with it is that you can use your Fediverse ID instead of email to sign up.

Once they have that worked out, any likes or comments automatically migrate back to the fediverse. Replies back to replies also show up in your timeline and your followers can see them. This makes discovery pretty effortless. They can also use the stats to keep track of engagement across all fediverse services.

It also means turning one-way streams like RSS (podcasting), email services, and commenting services into common two-way communities.

You're now going beyond just catching up to existing services and doing things just not possible in closed silos. Real "Aha!" moment.

How you solder those without dropping a blob and causing a short is a mystery.

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I tried to hand-solder a Hirose .35-pitch connector onto a custom OSHPark board once. Let's just say it was a humbling experience. Thanks to a generous friend, I learned the value of solder masks and owning a home reflow oven.

Respect to whoever can do this sort of thing, but life is too damn short and my eyesight and hands don't need the abuse.

They leave the Boeing and Soyuz up there, then when it's time, gas 'em up and have them act as controlled thrusters. Everything burns up in the atmosphere. All problems solved.

Saves them $800M and change.

Little Bobby Tables says hi.

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The year is 2245. The heirs finally locate a working, antique reader that can handle the ancient USB key, hoping to find great-great-grandpa's crypto-wallet or the pin-code to a long-lost Maltese bank account.

Instead, they find a 4-bit, VGA-quality scan of Miss October.

Ignore them. Send a pull request with the full source of Arch Linux.

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If my grade school art teacher was correct, they could take some red cranberry juice and add some yellow lemon juice to get the same result.

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Wait till they find out what software 'architects' really do.

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Worked on a project where devices just magically froze, but only during the month of February!

Turned out the people who had written the firmware had decided to do their own time math to save space and had put in an exception in the code for leap year values. Except instead of February 29th, it kicked in for the whole month. And the math was wrong so you ended up with negative values.

The product was due for launch in March of that year and was headed to manufacturing. It was by sheer luck that someone ran a test on February 1st and caught the problem.

Don't mess with time in code, kids.

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“Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!” - P. Venkman

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This is often a proxy for a different question.

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Tinder in certain states will put up an alert, warning you that if female, by proceeding with the date, you may be liable to carry a child to term, and if male, will need to pre-deposit child support in an escrow account.

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I bet they forgot to rig the webcams, microphones, seat weight sensors, and infrared desk presence trackers.

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Anyone tempted to write a custom database should ask if they're prepared to be in the database maintenance business.

Because that's where they're heading, for a really long time.

Dotcom bubble. 2008 crash. Covid. Now this.

We've all been through these. Buckle down. Ignore the outliers. It's a chance to rethink and do what matters to you.

Also, ALWAYS have a Plan B, C, and D.

Ugh. If you're going to go low, workshop the name-calling. Go with alliteration or rhyming. And nothing too fancy, like Destitute Don.

At least make it flow a bit, like Broke Donny.

Or go sing-songy, like: Donny Chapter 11, Don-o Busto, or Donny The Cheat.

But if you really want to get under his skin, you can't go wrong with: Dirt-Poor Donny.

Repeat 1000 times.

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I was running between work and meeting friends for drinks last week. Lost track of time and it got past 10pm. On the way home, saw a Burger King drive-in. Haven't had fast food in years (we eat at home a lot). What the hell.

Two discoveries:

  • A small Whopper meal was over $15!
  • My stomach didn't appreciate it all night and most of the next day.

For that kind of money, you can do much better. Lesson learned.

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"Donald Trump would be on track to win a historic landslide in November — if so many US voters didn’t find him personally repugnant."

That if is doing a lot of heavy lifting.

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  • 9/11
  • Bush v Gore
  • GWB re-election (despite war, recession, etc.)
  • Trump election

All chipped away at notions of stability, fairness, and sanity.

Still have hope, but tend not to believe the hype so much.

  • To jump out, they would need to open the doors. There would be problems with decompression at above 10K.
  • You have to deal with people unable to use parachutes. Children, elderly, disabled, afraid of heights, and panicked.
  • There's an assumption an airplane remains level enough. If it's spinning or nose down, trying to reach an exit is another problem.
  • If jumping out ahead of the wing, there's a risk of getting sucked into the engines.
  • Parqchutes are bulky. Trying to get them out of storage and distribute them to a couple hundred untrained people is a tall order.
  • Putting on a parachute, correclty strapping it, knowing when and where to pull the cord, and knowing how to land without breaking bones, hitting tree branches, or ditching into water. These are all issues you can't teach during preflight safety instruction.

Overall, everyone would be better off staying put, not panicking, and hoping a plane and trained pilots can get everyone on the ground, safely.

Everyone is so nice and civil on lemmy and mastodon. In contrast to some truly toxic behavior on reddit and twitter.

I'm sure it's around, but in my small sample space, it has a smaller blast radius.

He tried this with the civil case. Judge just ramped up the penalty until he was forced to stop.


Some suggestions:

  • Make yourself a 'portfolio' of things you've done and are especially proud of. Emphasis on things you initiated and delivered, or ways you saved time/money. Write a short blurb about each one, and if possible find a picture that explains it.

  • For example, if you came up with an Excel spreadsheet that sped up order processing (I'm just making something up), write up what you did, how much time/money it saved, and find a stock image of a smiling person working on a spreadsheet. If you have a quote from a manager or a customer saying what a great thing it was, throw that in too. Text should be short, no more than a paragraph, otherwise nobody reads it.

  • If you have a home hobby or side project, throw those in too (with pictures). Carpentry, sports league, whatever. Also good to mention: charity or helping others.

  • Make sure images are copyright free so nobody flags it. There are lots of stock image sites out there. Pictures help tell a story.

  • Go create a Tumblr or Wordpress blog. They're free. For each portfolio piece, create a single blog post. If you have technical chops, look into Github Pages. That's free too.

  • Make ones that show you as a self-starter, a team player, or a good communicator.

  • Have a resume ready too. Repeating short versions of the same items. Make sure you link back to your portfolio website in the resume. Link the Word or PDF version of the resume to the portfolio. They all reinforce each other.

  • Go to LinkedIn.com. Sign up for free and enter the same stuff, but tag it under 'skills.' Make sure you link to your portfolio site.

  • Mark yourself as open to job opportunities. Given your list of skills, start searching around. LinkedIn also has a paid monthly version. Not sure what it buys you, but if it lets you search better, may be worth investing for a couple of months.

  • If someone says they're looking for someone with a certificate, tell them if hired, you're willing to study and get the cert in 3 months. That shows them you're motivated.

  • Consider government or municipal jobs. They may not pay as much, but will have decent benefits. Can use the time there to get certs (like project management, or something specific to the job) that help you land higher paying jobs.

  • Now, you have a portfolio site, a resume, and a LinkedIn profile. For all your future jobs, make sure you keep them uptodate. It shows not just education, but what you can do and what kind of problems you can solve.

Best of luck.

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"King of the United States."

Some people weren't paying attention during civics and history classes in middle school.

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Switching to EV is an opportunity for car companies AND labor to get ahead of the global demand curve and create opportunity. Anyone arguing against it should be questioned on their motives and relation to the fossil industry.

It's like mobile phone makers getting attacked by the rotary phone industry.

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Phones have had accelerometer/gyros for a while now. Problem with pinpointing one's location is how to get a starting fix and how to deal with drift and loss of signal.

The way devices have dealt with it is to periodically confirm and baseline with a satellite fix.

If this method does away with all that, it could remove the reliance on overhead signals and those trying to jam them in hostile zones.

Pretty cool. Lots of potential.

"That probably sounded better in the original German." -- Molly Ivins.

Not-so-secret of Reddit success (vs other link aggregators) was that they allowed NSFW content. Set up a separate opt-in corner of Fediverse to post that stuff and a big chunk of reddit will migrate over.

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England's Private Eye magazine has been going for decades. They sell subscriptions to the paper magazine, put on events, and sell a small amount of print advertising. They've completely gone against going digital and by all accounts are profitable.

The future of journalism may well be going back to the origin of small publications.

Voyager. Closest (so far) to Apollo UI.

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Misuse of the oxford comma and bad speling.

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Media: So... you know those high-tech chipmaking machines? The ones banned for sale to China. The ones needed to make the processors for phones, cars, TVs, and AI servers. What happens if China invades Taiwan? Doesn't Taiwan have a lot of those machines?

Manufacturer: not a problem.

Media: Phew. Glad that's settled..... Say, how come?

Manufacturer: (slaps the roof of the $250M machine). We can lock this baby remotely. In fact, here's the remote (pulls out a keyfob).

Media: OK, cool, cool.

Techies of the world: WHAT THE ACTUAL FU..... !!!

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