Fake Pokémon Cartridge Spotted At GameStop Raises Concerns Among Retro Gamers

Kain1@lemmy.world to RetroGaming@lemmy.world – 75 points –
Concerns Over Fake Pokémon Cartridges at GameStop

A Reddit post in the GameBoy subreddit caught some eyes. It showed a fake yellow Game Boy Pokémon cartridge displayed at a GameStop. The post received many comments, pointing out the poor quality of this bootleg Pokémon game.


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I'm surprised that they don't take even a minimal amount of effort to clean those things up before selling it. A little dab of isopropryl alcohol does wonders.

That cartridge looks like it spent the last 20 years in a butt.

It's intentional damaging to sell the illusion. A near mint quality already opened and played cartridge from 20 years ago would be extremely suspicious.