Make it happen to Lefty – 1367 points –

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farming is one of the biggest contributors

all of agriculture makes up about 20% of our ghg emissions.

Which is pretty huge and mostly discretionary.

we need to eat. lets dismantle the fucking prisons, banks, and armies first.

We don't need to eat beef.

And banks have been instrumental in one of the largest rises in human living standards in history so dismantling them seems pretty cruel to those who don't yet live as well as we do.

We don’t need to eat beef.

probably not but it's really small potatoes compared to the systems that actively kill people instead of feeding them.

And banks have been instrumental in one of the largest rises in human living standards in history so dismantling them seems pretty cruel to those who don’t yet live as well as we do.

i don't see any reason we can't help people without banks.

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