Jill Stein slams ‘attack dog’ AOC after ‘predatory’ comments: ‘Democrats are running scared’

Socialist Berserker@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – -2 points –

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LOLOL. Where in the hell are you getting your polling stats and facts from, Jill Stein herself, or the UbërKüül "Anti-Establishment News/Zone".

The Muslim population in the US is 1%. They could sit this out and nobody would notice. 🤣

You're also attempting to speak for "the entire" Muslim population because of your stance on Palestine, but newsflash, plenty of the Muslim population couldn't give two shits about Palestine, and absolutely fucking hate Hamas for having gotten innocent civilians into the mess they are in now. Source: I live in an urban area with a high density Muslim population who is all about Harris/Walz, and thinks you're just making some shit up to make yourself feel better.

From the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Your antidotal evidence is meaningless when the numbers tell a different story.

Wow...do you math?

So 30% of the 1% population segment of the US is for Jill Stein.

OH NO...what will the Democrats ever do....

How could Harris possibly go on to win without those hundreds of votes.

Edit: let me go deeper for you on this since you can't use functional math.

Let's say 3M Muslim voters in the US, and 30% (according to that link you sent) vote for Harris, 30% for Stein, and 40% for Trump (lulz not likely.

So then you take that 3M number and divide by population centers they live in. Let's just divide it up evenly across 50 states to be favorable for your argument even though that's not how that works, but whatever.

60k votes per state spread across districts, and we have..... zero impact at all in the national polling numbers for Harris.

So, no. You thinking the Muslim vote for Harris is needed is absolutely wrong. Fact of the matter s that's not where this segment lives at all. The more concentrated groups are in Urban areas of solidly Blue states Trump can't win anyway, and that's all Harris cares about. You think they don't do this math? 🤣

They live where it matters, swing states. The places where Harris is tied with trump

But they don't: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_the_United_States#By_state

Man, you must feel pretty bad realizing your entire bullish stance on this is complete bullshit. I'm lolling super hard at your "Dems made their bed and have to sleep in it" comment 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦

DNC by the numbers 2020

Georgia won by 11k votes - has 120k Muslims

Arizona won by 10k votes - has 109k Muslims

Wisconsin won by 20k votes - has 68k Muslims

Pennsylvania won by 80k votes - has 150k Muslims

Michigan won by 150k votes - has 241k Muslims

Again you can't math, AND you aren't even aware of what states Stein is on ballot for, then you're assuming the entire Muslim population is voting.

The national polling is between Trump and Harris. Harris has the edge. 1% of any population isn't going to affect that.

Even if only half the Muslim vote that voted for Biden in 2020 votes for a third party in those swing states, Harris will lose.

No, because your poll already said 30% of that same number is voting Harris, and Trump is only 10% because he is so disliked. Stein isn't on the ballot in any of the deciding swing states, so again...does not matter. The Muslim population is not large enough to matter.

She is on every swing state ballot And Georgia has recently been added

Wow, you might want to tell her Campaign that then: https://www.jillstein2024ballotaccess.com/


Regardless of Stein. Regardless of the Muslim 1%. Regardless of any of the other bullshit you keep trying to bring up, the concentration in numbers DOES NOT MATTER.

The problem with people who are cocky and trying to influence something they have zero power to influence is that they are so fucking sure of themselves that they can't be wrong.

You are wrong.