Ahh... hearing programmer audiobooks before sleep feels relaxing

devilish666@lemmy.world to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 240 points –

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Have a proper radio ham license. Buy a 40-meter transceiver and a software defined radio dongle. Convert your code into esoteric programming languages such as Whitespace and Brainf, then spell it. "Plus, plus, next, plus, dot, open bracket, next, ...". Transmit your spelling over 40-meter band, while a receiver across the continent is tuned to the frequency. Ask it to repeat and record the QSO. Set the SDR recorder to I/Q packets instead of demodulating AM. Publish it as an audiobook.

Or pirate radio it and make people think it's a new number station. Then someone will surely put it on YouTube so you can listen to it there.

Or go full CW, and just transmit source code in binary as dits and dahs. (So long as you document what you're doing it should be legal, though I'm not sure if you should use the CE portion of he band since it's nonstandard...)