Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war to World – 1274 points –
Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war  | Semafor

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Go tell Putin and his friends to stop the invasion and hand back all the Ukrainian territory they’ve stolen. It’s easy!

Wow, if it's that easy, then I definitely don't think people should be going out and dying over it, there's just no reason for it when anybody could just pick up the phone and tell him to give the territory back instead.

I agree that people shouldn’t have to die over this, but Putin is dedicated to the invasion on Ukraine. He won’t stop just because someone kindly ask him to stop over the phone. He’ll continue until there’s no Ukraine anymore, and then he might also go for Moldova and other former Soviet countries.

Ukraine has to defend themselves for as long as Putin is willing to continue the war.

Exactly. You can always tell when uninformed people chime in with their opinions on this topic. Ukraine has already attempted to achieve peace with Russia multiple times, under the condition that they return stolen territory. That's a pretty easy thing for Russia to do but they won't.

So, 20 years from now, if Putin is still willing to continue the war, which is to say, not fully recognize all Ukrainian claims including claims that Russia held before the war as a precondition to negotiations, then you'll still be sending more and more guns and bombs in until there are no two stones left on top of each other in the whole country.