Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 890 points –
Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris after presidential debate

It is on.


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How stupid are you, really?

The propaganda it's so evident in this case that the ones not seeing it may be stupid for real

I’m sorry to break the news to you, but you’re definitely not as smart as your mom told you

So let's hear the opinion of a genius: where does the government spend billions of propaganda in? Where do the red and blue party spend all their electoral campaign money on? How did an artist with mediocre skills become a billionare and so popular that their endorsing of a politician gets spammed multiple times on lemmy feed?

You should work harder on your English before continuing your own propaganda, considering your audience!

Explain how this is propaganda for my dumb ass

Corporate mass media article with ties to the government talking about a billionare celebrity endorsing the government. Where do you think they spend billions or dollars in propaganda on? If you search enough you can probably find the receipts of their deals.

Some unsubstantiated claims and a plea for me to do your research for you ain't gonna cut it for this dumbass