Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war to World – 1274 points –
Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war  | Semafor

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Exactly how much Ukrainian land should Russia get to keep in this negotiation? Percentage is fine.

The exact lines would have to be negotiated. For starters, obviously Russia is going to keep Crimea which they held before the war started. At most, they'd receive the disputed provinces which had been fighting in the civil war before they got involved, which requested Russian assistance. I don't know what percentage of Ukrainian territory those provinces are.

The exact amount of loss that's acceptable to achieve peace is debatable, but there hasn't been any discussion of it whatsoever. Zelensky has insisted on zero territorial concessions at all, including retaking Crimea, which is completely unrealistic.

And, I suppose, all Ukraine gets out of the deal is that Russia stops taking more of their territory. For now. This sounds like it's all in Russia's favor.

As opposed to what, exactly? Like, even in your wildest fantasies, how does this go exactly? Ukraine reclaims all of it's lost territory, including Crimea somehow, and then negotiates peace. For now. Oh, I guess that's not enough then, is it? So what, does Ukraine seize Russian territory? Does Russia get coup'ed, and the US hand picks someone to be in charge to make sure that Russia is never threatens anyone ever again, like it did in the 90's? Hey, wait a minute...

Sometimes conflicts end without one side being completely annihilated, and no matter how the conflict ends, that's how it's going to end. Ukraine can negotiate for security guarantees, but what that would look like exactly would have to be worked out in the negotiations that aren't happening.

Well you've decided how I fantasize it will go, so I guess I don't have to tell you. Congratulations on your psychic powers.

I made a guess, if I'm wrong, explain it to me.

You didn't make a guess, you told me what is not enough for me. Don't try to weasel out of it now. You're clearly not interested in knowing what I think.

Lol, ok. So you don't have an answer, got it.

I do have an answer. You told me what it was, remember?

You're playing games to avoid answering because you can't.

If you apologize for putting words in my mouth or someone else asks me, I will answer. Until then, we'll just go with your mind-reading answer.

I apologize for putting words in your mouth. I intended what I said to be a supposition, not an actual claim of knowledge regarding your beliefs, but I can see how it could've been interpreted that way.

Now if you would please answer the question.

Sure. Your concept gives Ukraine nothing and Russia everything. A better negotiation would be that Russia returns to the borders that were negotiated with Ukraine after they gained independence, borders they agreed not to cross if Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, and in return the world will lift sanctions against Russia. Everyone gains.

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You're a fucking coward and you speak like a child.

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