Germany hammers Trump over debate barbs about Berlin’s energy transition to World – 326 points –

“P.S. We also don’t eat cats and dogs,” Berlin’s foreign ministry taunts Republican presidential candidate.

Germany’s foreign ministry hit back Wednesday at former U.S. President Donald Trump after he criticized the country’s energy policy at the presidential debate against Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump slammed Germany in his closing remarks, claiming Berlin regretted its decision to transition to renewable energy.

But the German foreign ministry took umbrage at that, blasting Trump in an unusually blunt statement on social media.

“Like it or not: Germany’s energy system is fully operational, with more than 50 percent renewables,” the ministry wrote. “And we are shutting down — not building — coal and nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest.”


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From the article:

“And we are shutting down — not building — coal and nuclear plants. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest.”

This isn't even true. In fact they're taking taking down wind farms to get more coal. This is just someone trying to get a dunk on Trump, like there aren't a million other actually true things they could say. Not to mention them resurrecting other coal plants when they're supposed to be phasing it out.

Read your own sources: they took down one 20 year old wind farm with eight turbines two years ago.

In 2022 there were about 30.000 turbines in germany.

It's still a bit strange to keep digging for coal and it should stop asap. But your argument isn't nearly as strong as you make it seem.

Thanks for clarifying that. Here, too much fuss has been made about what was actually a side note. There were apparently already plans to modernize the facility anyway.