Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris

vegeta@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 1124 points –
Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris after presidential debate

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Nah, I'm not. I'm assuming you have an agenda you're pushing, and I'm using the very post you said you read to point out that no, she's not doing anything you're accusing her of, and she doesn't owe you, or anyone else, anything. And I'm doing so not to change your mind, but to inform anyone else who stumbles across your posts that you're not being forthright and honest with your claims, and that she's merely saying "I'm voting for this choice" because some jackwagon with some AI skills made a fake video of her saying "I'm voting for the other choice." That's all.

At this point, I'm not talking to you anymore, just using your words as examples of arguments that get Trump elected.

Assuming disagreement and bad faith is even worse than assuming me and idiot, particularly when you're not asking any questions.