Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 890 points –
Taylor Swift endorses Kamala Harris after presidential debate

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I bet they'd also say if a pop star is influential on your political opinions, you're a damn moron.

The party who elected a movie star? Surely they'd never be so hypocritical.

Twice... if you count Trump as a movie star.

Reagan is somehow remembered for lowering taxes even, when taxes were actually higher for most people* when he left office.

(*It was a little lower for corporations and the wealthy.)

Well, I'm not sure cameo appearances qualify "movie star."

And maybe they wouldn't be that insightful. Either way, it's a silly notion. We certainly should put weight in the political opinions of pop stars. Queen Latifahs endorsement of Biden is what swayed my vote.

Edit: So... Everyone agrees pop stars political opinions are important? It's ok that Queen Latifahs swayed my vote?