What kind of messaging apps do you use?

pooky55@lemm.eebanned from sitebanned from site to Technology@lemmy.world – 1 points –

I have been cleaning my phone - removing Google Services, Google Account and replacing it with alternatives. Strangely, I do still have many very different messaging app. If I count correctly, there is Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, Signal, Viber and also two local apps TakeUp and Mastadon. I am more and more returning back to SMS messages and normal encrypted e-mails.

What do you use most and is it normal, to have so many messaging apps and using them all for different people groups?


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Email and sometimes irc. And old fashioned sms when needed.

IRC is still alive?

IRC will never die! I mean, it probably will eventually. It's still fairly popular with Linux users, and even stil preinstalled on some distros

Are there some websites or lists of interesting channels?