Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war to World – 1274 points –
Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war  | Semafor

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I'm sorry your response indicates that my intent went over your head. You positioned someone telling you the literal definition of a word and then a historical example as an opinion. You're being childish with your refusal to engage in honest conversation.

Sorry, you sounded like you were asking for a definition as if English was not your first language. Did you really want to split hairs over the definition of take? How about, what he said was so stupid it doesn't warrant a response?

Well I don't talk like that because I'm not an insufferable redditor. If I have a problem with something someone said I don't make a smug meta comment about how I'm not going to engage despite engaging. I'm going to directly address the problem I have.

That dude's comment was 100% troll baiting. No one makes such braindead arguments in good faith. Why would I waste my time? Now, I'm curious.. why are you so upset about my response to a blatant troll?

What a child. Now quoting to you the meaning of a word is a 'braindead argument'? Speaking of someone's brain not working, your only arguments are to handwave with thought terminating cliches.