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Joined 3 months ago

Alternatively, you could not become involved with an organization that is at war with a powerful country who has a capable spy/espionage agency.

A pretty flippant answer coming from someone living under a western government is already federated

What is Red in this context?

I bought a straw hat for a dollar at a yard sale as I walked past during my job delivering packages

Coming in second is a goofy novelty cane I got from a dollar store and used for a while for a leg injury

Third is a box fan for 20.

Are we replacing infrastructure or are we just adding capacity?

What is this number if you exclude China?

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Boot licker

And of course none of the overt state propaganda they do allow is 'opinionated' because it's 'objective' 🤡

Willing to bet 'dumb takes' and 'edgy politics' exactly describe the correct moral position in the argument you got bullied over your bad takes. Care to elaborate or just gonna hide in the tall grass of hypotheticals and generalizations?

Covid is a retrovirus. It destroys your immune system.



I've been faithful to firefox almost since it's been out thanks to this. I can't imagine being on the internet with everything on a website on by default

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What does the word 'take' mean if it can include a dictionary definition of a word?

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I'm sorry your response indicates that my intent went over your head. You positioned someone telling you the literal definition of a word and then a historical example as an opinion. You're being childish with your refusal to engage in honest conversation.

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China doesn't call itself communist. It's Socialist with Chinese characteristics.

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They're socialist in who runs the country and how they run it

I don't think a reasonable person can watch the difference in how they handled covid compared to truly capitalist countries and come away with this confusion. The capitalist class is not dominant in China.

Well I don't talk like that because I'm not an insufferable redditor. If I have a problem with something someone said I don't make a smug meta comment about how I'm not going to engage despite engaging. I'm going to directly address the problem I have.

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Pretty much, yeah.

Swamp cooler

What a child. Now quoting to you the meaning of a word is a 'braindead argument'? Speaking of someone's brain not working, your only arguments are to handwave with thought terminating cliches.

Sounds like someone got bullied for having a bad take and now can't tell the difference between nazis and queers

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You're from Finland and you have to ask where the nazis are?

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Literal nazis who wear nazi symbols on their persons and anyone who positively associates with them or supports them

I don’t, but apparently you do.

Your trash talk is incoherent. You don't have to ask but I do? My dimwitted child, you are the one asking.

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Just because it went over your head (how???) doesn't make it incoherent.

Do you even know what that word means or are you just mad I used it on you appropriately?

Look how not racist I am! I found a version of the yellow skinned cartoon that someone added slant-eyes to! Triggered??

Yeah. Naked virulent racism is triggering for me. I'm not a piece of shit.

I appreciate you kicking off your screed with a (shoehorned) racist caricature just to mark the water level in your brain pan.

Why is China evil? I guess is the topic now? Well, according to you, they want revenge. For what? That time we made them slaves and murdered them by the millions. And how are they going to get that revenge? By making financial investments in overseas ports.


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"The adversary"

It's amazing the shit rich old people can convince poor young people to die saying

edit: meant to say 'rich young people on computers thousands of miles away cheering on other people's deaths'

I invite all of you chickenhawk nazi lovers to go die charging a trench in the place of someone who doesn't support your cause and doesn't want to die.

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Seen a map before?

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Rolling back US empire is an unalloyed good.

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Taiwan isn't an ally it's a vassal. And you shouldn't be so excited to be a meat shield for their aggression on the opposite side of the world. Even if you have sympathies for your fascist, genocidal government.

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