Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war to World – 1274 points –
Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war  | Semafor

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They still stand and the others do not in part because Russia intervened, the ones that have been under siege recently have all been used as military strongholds for quite some time. They're not civilian centers, the civilians in Donvas didn't exactly have many options.

Did you support Serbia keeping it's territorial integrity against a breakaway region too?

They still stand and the others do not in part because Russia intervened

Russia didn't "intervene," they started the fight by annexing Crimea and donbas. There have been 3,400 civilian casualties in the donbas region between 2014 and 2021. There have been 35,000 confirmed Ukrainian civilian casualties between the start of the invasion and July 2024. Remind me how Russia is trying to protect people again? And if this really was just about those regions, why not take them and stop? Why is Russia trying to take kyiv?

Also trying to whatabout about NATO is idiotic. I only referenced the Budapest memorandum. If you want to blame "NATO imperialism" for forcing Russia to invade a soverign country, then I have two questions. Why are there now two more countries in NATO than before the invasion? And do you honestly think NATO would invade a nuclear power? If so, to what end?

It's fine I don't need to engage further with you

Aight later. Before you go, I already had you tagged as "tankie?" Are you like this for China and best Korea too or just Russia so I can update my tag?

I'm an anarchist, but I have plenty of issues with pretty much every country, I just have too many family and family of friends entangled in this to not want to see peace, regardless of where the lines on the map end up for now. I don't think there's anyone who is proposing a truly deescalatory position, across the board and that's the problem.