The shady world of Brave selling copyrighted data for AI training to – 1334 points –

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Vivaldi. Browser for a power user. Works amazing. Basically opera before it was bought by the Chinese.

Browser for a power user.

That's... an odd claim to make. I'm sure "power users" use a variety of browsers.

Works amazing

Also odd. All browsers "work amazing"

Have you tried it? The amount of customization it offers is pretty unique among "mainstream" browsers. Not sure how many browsers still offer an email client, rss reader, options to read the web in text only, etc etc.

I'm pretty sure most (as in many) people reading my reply can gather what I meant with power users in a discussion about browser alternatives.

It works amazing as in: all functions and customization and added functions it offers work seamlessly together.

But feel free to be more pedantic if it makes you feel good :)

I did try it a while back.

Email and rss in a browser messes with my chi. I don't want a car that can mow my lawn.

I wasn't being pedantic. Surely you can see the arrogance in suggesting that your preferred browser is for power users.

You don't actually even notice that it has these features unless you turn them on. I use Vivaldi because it has really nice built-in tab features, such as tiling, stacking and workspaces, all of which I find invaluable on a laptop or single-screen setup. Its history screen is also quite handy and I find many of these features much more accessible than other browsers, which often streamline things to the point of being annoying.

I previously used Firefox, but it seemed really buggy at times, and the mobile version was especially bad on my old Pixel 4a for some reason, so I switched to Kiwi on mobile for extension support.