U.S. Announces Plan to Counter Russian Influence Ahead of 2024 Election

breakfastmtn@lemmy.ca to World News@lemmy.world – 1 points –

The United States on Wednesday announced a broad effort to push back on Russian influence campaigns in the 2024 election, trying to curb the Kremlin’s use of state-run media and fake news sites to sway American voters.

The actions include sanctions, indictments and seizing of web domains that U.S. officials say the Kremlin uses to spread propaganda and disinformation about Ukraine, which Russia invaded more than two years ago.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on Wednesday announced actions by the Justice Department, including the indictment of two Russian employees of RT, the state-owned broadcaster, who used a company in Tennessee to spread content, and the takedown of a Russian malign influence campaign known as Doppelganger.



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AIPAC has spent $100m influencing US elections this year to ensure their preferred candidates win and we are supposed to believe Russia is the threat?

Yeah, money is politics is bad. Also, foreign governments interfering in our elections is bad. You discovered the principle of more than one thing can be bad at once.

There are levels of bad, $100m in elections is by far worse

Seriously? Your response to this is a whataboutism. And the topic is regarding Russian disinformation campaigns. Was the irony intended?

It needs to be addressed because one is being blatantly ignored, and the one being ignored is the larger of the threats

The kleptocracy trying to get Trump elected (which means Palestine gets wiped out) is the less dangerous threat?

Yeah I'm good. Have fun reposting this same broken logic talking point I've seen multiple .ml accounts spewing today.

If you haven't noticed, Palestine is currently getting wiped out. I never claimed that Trump was a lesser evil or lesser threat because lesser evil or lesser threat does not exist