Why limit immigration?

Cryophilia@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 130 points –

Aside from racism. I mean economically/socially, what issues does too much immigration cause?


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Typically these quickly built housing is of such crappy quality that only immigrants will want to live there (because they can't afford anything else anyway). This leads to the development of ghettos, with leads to the typical problems from crappy schools (that traps the kids in the lowest social class) to no cultural assimilation.

So have and enforce building codes. Sounds like a simple problem with a simple solution.

You mean building codes that would hike the price to levels immigrants can't afford? You could of course build social housing like a developed country but good luck doing that while republicans hold any kind of power. And even if you manage to get that done the amount of housing you can build is limited by the amount of money you are willing to invest into social housing.

Building codes bring price up, more supply brings prices down, sounds like a wash.

Sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about. No amount of supply will bring down raw material and labour costs.

It's cute you think scarcity has no effect on prices.

What the fuck are you talking about? No one in here said scarcity has no effect.

But no amount of abundance will bring the price below whatever material + labour cost. But arguing with you is pointless, you seem to be intent on missing the point.

But no amount of abundance will bring the price below whatever material + labour cost.

Ok, so? Prices still have a long way to go before hitting that floor.