Kamala Harris Taunts ‘Chicken Man’ Trump After He Dodges Another Debate

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 412 points –
Kamala Harris Taunts ‘Chicken Man’ Trump After He Dodges Another Debate

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You're literally using an example of Kamala not letting Trump weasel out of a scheduled debate as evidence of Kamala trying to weasel out of a debate.

You're either a troll or genuinely that stupid. Which one is it?

I'm just stupid



Nah but seriously though I was just plain wrong, Kamala had agreed to the ABC News debate at the same time that she decline the other two invitations. I edited my comment to reflect that

I’m proud of you for being able to recognize and acknowledge you were wrong. Growth can be painful but always worthwhile.